Bug #34812 DB-Sync does not work correctly
Submitted: 25 Feb 2008 16:47 Modified: 14 Oct 2008 12:55
Reporter: Jan W. Hentsch Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.17 OS:Any
Assigned to: Vladimir Kolesnikov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: DB-Sync

[25 Feb 2008 16:47] Jan W. Hentsch
As reported before I created 2 very simple MyISAM-tables "Vater" and "Kind". At the first try everything ist synchronized very well. After this, adding more columns to the "Fater"-Table synchronizes fine as well. But changing or adding something to the "Kind"-table won't get synchronized. It allways creates some useless "Alter ..." Statements against the "Vater"-table but nothing against the "Kind"-table.

How to repeat:
Create two very simple tables, sync, change something in both of the tables and sync again, see what happens

Suggested fix:
This happens against a range of MySQL-Server-Versions, I guess it is something with the SQL-Differ.
[25 Feb 2008 17:30] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Yes could you please provide your test.mwb file.
Thanks in advance.
[25 Feb 2008 17:37] Jan W. Hentsch
a simple definition of two tables

Attachment: VaterKind.mwb (application/octet-stream, text), 5.15 KiB.

[17 Mar 2008 16:59] Jan W. Hentsch
just testet it against 5.0.15 SE RC, same situation, so what is going on. I got several emails these days about status changes of this bug, but I can't see any progress?!?!

cu jwh
[17 Apr 2008 7:33] Jan W. Hentsch
checked it again with 5.0.17, this time it works better, no table will be forgotten to alter but still wrong SQL-code is generated, see bug 36170 which i reported just minutes ago
[20 Jun 2008 17:48] Johannes Taxacher
the issue about ALTER on the wrong tables has been corrected.
also the unnecessary ALTERS are removed now. note that testing it with the model supplied in this report wont give correct result as it is corrupted. i tested with a comparable model created from scratch.
[11 Jul 2008 10:51] Tony Bedford
Has this bug been fixed? If so which version did the fix go into please?
[14 Aug 2008 10:51] Johannes Taxacher
the fix was incorporated in version 5.0.23
[14 Oct 2008 12:55] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.0.23 changelog:

Performing a Database Synchronization resulted in erroneous ALTER statements being generated.