Bug #34599 MySQLD Option and Variable Reference need to be consistent in formatting!
Submitted: 15 Feb 2008 16:14 Modified: 16 May 2010 20:47
Reporter: Jonathan Miller Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Feb 2008 16:14] Jonathan Miller

Please take a moment to review the above link ^.

You will notice that there is many different variations in variable formatting. Not being consistent in naming conventions for server variables make us look like we are not ready for enterprise. 

I feel that we should come up with a standard and that all server related options should be corrected to follow that standard.

There is issue with backwards computability, therefore, if this is implemented efforts to ensure that upgrade customer will not be affected will need to be taken.




How to repeat:
N/A see above

Suggested fix:
all variables follow one standard

1) either all uppercase or all lowercase, but should not be both or a mix
2) either all dashes or all underlined, but should not be both or a mix



[18 Feb 2008 9:30] Sergei Golubchik
documentation issue.
command line options (like --abort-slave-event-count) use lowercase, dashes.
server variables (like bulk_insert_buffer_size, accessible as @@var_name) use lowercase, underscore.
status variables (visible in SHOW STATUS) use first letter uppercase, underscore.

The manual puts them all in one table, which create that inconsistent look you're complaining about.
[18 Feb 2008 10:33] Jon Stephens
I must beg to differe: There *are* server options that use underscores, e.g. it's --ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz and not --ndb-autoincrement-prefetch-sz (which really ought to be "--ndb-autoincrement-prefetch-size" as there's no reason to abbreviate a 4-letter word).

In addition, there are some settings which can be made via a command-line option but not as a server variable, and some which can be set as a server variable but not as a command-line option, and in many cases, there appears to be no rhyme or reason for this, other than "That's just the way it is".

These are not documentation issues.

Additional issues:

In cases where a setting can be made as either a command-line option or a server variable, which of these should be the canonical form that appears in the docs?

We're aware of the conventions, but (a) these are not always followed in the server; and (b) when we suggest putting these in the docs, people complain that it's too difficult to remember them without being told explicitly (e.g.) "the mysqld option is '--auto-increment-offset' but the server variable is 'auto_increment_offset'". Seriously!

Finally, I'd like to point out that, in the latest 6.0, there are 288 status variables, 308 system variables, and $__DEITY__ knows how many server options. It's about time that we started supporting some kind of namespaces for all of these.


[18 Feb 2008 11:30] Sergei Golubchik
it's --ndb-autoincrement-prefetch-sz as far as I can see:

% mysqld --help|grep t-prefetch
ndb-autoincrement-prefetch-sz     1

Although, indeed, I'd prefer mysqld --help to print all option names with dashes
(auto-converting them in my_print_help and my_print_variables). I'll submit a separate feature request about it, let's keep this one what it was, about http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysqld-option-tables.html
[18 Feb 2008 11:37] Sergei Golubchik
[18 Feb 2008 16:50] Stefan Hinz
Jeb: Setting this to !Bg because, as Serg pointed out, the table you're referring to just *looks* inconsistent while it apparently isn't. If you still feel we (Docs) should do anything about it, please explicitly say what we should do (e.g. split the table into multiple ones), and change this bug to a feature request.
[18 Feb 2008 16:58] Paul DuBois
There are also a number of InnoDB *options* that use underscores in the names, which you can confirm by inspection of the option structure in sql/mysqld.cc or by running mysqld --verbose --help.

That too is inconsistent with the general convention that dashes are used in option names. The documentation can't be consistent if it is to follow the server's help text and that help text isn't consistent.
[18 Feb 2008 17:28] Sergei Golubchik
paul: it's a part of bug#34635
[19 Feb 2008 22:28] Jonathan Miller
Work log open for this issue

[2 Nov 2009 6:02] Sergei Golubchik
will be fixed in WL#4738
[6 Mar 2010 10:52] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.5.3-m3 (revid:alik@sun.com-20100306103849-hha31z2enhh7jwt3) (version source revid:vvaintroub@fedora12-20091225154921-x25a5pyw1pxiwobv) (merge vers: 5.5.99) (pib:16)
[14 May 2010 18:44] Paul DuBois
After thinking about this report for some time, it's not clear to me that a lot can be done. The table needs to have names in some column, and the items in that column cannot be all the same time:

* There are command-line options that have no corresponding system variable, so the item named must be the option.

* There are system variables that have no corresponding command-line option, so the item named must be the variable.

* Status variables do not correspond to command-line options, so the item named must be the variable.

System and status variable names always use underscores. We are consistent about this.

Option names normally use dashes; a few use underscores. They can be specified either way at server startup; the server understands dash and underscore the same way in options. This is a *display* inconsistency that we can address and I will change the table to use dashes in option names consistently.

Other than that, I am not sure what other changes can be made here.
[16 May 2010 20:47] Paul DuBois
See changelog entry regarding processing of system variables and command-line options at:
