Bug #34526 NDB BACKUP Error: 2811 produces conflicting results summary
Submitted: 13 Feb 2008 15:23 Modified: 11 Feb 2009 18:29
Reporter: Jonathan Miller Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:telco-6.2 OS:Linux
Assigned to: li zhou CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Feb 2008 15:23] Jonathan Miller

Had an issue where the BACKUP was aborting due to a permissions error, yet the summary of the results also shows it the backup as "Completed" with 0 records.

ndb_mgm> start backup
Connected to Management Server at: ndbxx:15000
Waiting for completed, this may take several minutes
Node 2: Backup 2 started from 1 has been aborted. Error: 2811
Node 3: Backup 2 started from node 1 completed
 StartGCP: 0 StopGCP: 1
 #Records: 0 #LogRecords: 0
 Data: 0 bytes Log: 0 bytes
Node 2: Backup 2 started from node 1 completed
 StartGCP: 0 StopGCP: 1
 #Records: 0 #LogRecords: 0
 Data: 0 bytes Log: 0 bytes
Backup failed
*  3001: Could not start backup
*        Unknown error code: Unknown result: Unknown error code
ndb_mgm> exit

How to repeat:
Create a files permission problem for the backup.

Execute a backup from ndb_mgm

Suggested fix:
Report the abort and drop the rest.

side note, how hard would it be to include the text of what a 2811 is?

side note #2, why are we getting "Unknown error code: Unknown result: Unknown error code" ?
[21 Apr 2008 7:37] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2586, 2008-04-21 15:08:56+00:00, lzhou@dev3-63.(none) +2 -0
  BUG#34526 Not output backup report when backup failed
[21 Apr 2008 7:39] li zhou
The new output show below:

ndb_mgm> start backup
Waiting for completed, this may take several minutes
Node 1: Backup 1 started from node 3
Node 1: Backup 1 started from node 3 completed
 StartGCP: 42 StopGCP: 45
 #Records: 2056 #LogRecords: 0
 Data: 51224 bytes Log: 0 bytes

ndb_mgm> start backup
Waiting for completed, this may take several minutes
Node 1: Backup 2 started from 3 has been aborted. Error: 2811
Backup failed
*  3001: Could not start backup
*        Error in permission denied, please check file system: Temporary error: Temporary Resource error
ndb_mgm> exit
[10 Dec 2008 16:09] Frazer Clement
Can you explain why the code was broken before and how you have fixed it?
[13 Jan 2009 8:45] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2787 Leonard Zhou	2009-01-13
      BUG#34526 Remove backup report when backup failed
[13 Jan 2009 9:33] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.30-ndb-6.4.1 (revid:zhou.li@sun.com-20090113090717-5q5ll4xhl5pv16cw) (version source revid:zhou.li@sun.com-20090113090717-5q5ll4xhl5pv16cw) (merge vers: 5.1.30-ndb-6.4.1) (pib:6)
[13 Jan 2009 9:41] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.30-ndb-6.3.21 (revid:zhou.li@sun.com-20090113085014-0f11kejje0fugn9b) (version source revid:zhou.li@sun.com-20090113085014-0f11kejje0fugn9b) (merge vers: 5.1.30-ndb-6.3.21) (pib:6)
[13 Jan 2009 10:36] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.30-ndb-6.2.17 (revid:zhou.li@sun.com-20090113095600-g010x4cddb85gm90) (version source revid:zhou.li@sun.com-20090113083934-d9p882nk17rctcw6) (merge vers: 5.1.30-ndb-6.2.17) (pib:6)
[10 Feb 2009 20:13] Bugs System
Pushed into 6.0.10-alpha (revid:alik@sun.com-20090210194937-s7xshv5l3m1v7wi9) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090123110300-k3vjhnm1iop8c0h7) (merge vers: 6.0.10-alpha) (pib:6)
[11 Feb 2009 18:29] Jon Stephens
Documented bug fix in the NDB-6.2.17, 6.3.21, and 6.4.1 changelogs as follows:

        In the event that a MySQL Cluster backup failed due to file
        permissions issues, conflicting reports were issued in the
        management client.
[12 Feb 2009 10:06] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2814 He Zhenxing	2009-02-12 [merge]
      Auto merge 6.0 -> 6.0-rpl