Bug #34430 Exporting via Forward Engineer to SQL Script fails quietly
Submitted: 8 Feb 2008 19:50 Modified: 30 Nov 2009 11:58
Reporter: Eric Chamberlain Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.12 OSS OS:Windows (XP Pro V2002 SP2)
Assigned to: Johannes Taxacher CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Feb 2008 19:50] Eric Chamberlain
Trying to export my .mwb file produces no output whatsoever.  No failure was found either.

I export with the following checked:

Generate DROP TABLE statements
Generate INSERT statements for tables

All other options are left unchecked. However, I have attempted the action with NOTHING checked and it still fails.

I attempt to export the whole .mwb file (27 objects of type MySQL Table and 1 object of type MySQL View).

I have attempted to export w/o the view but to no effect.

Interestingly, a shortcut to the selected file does show up on searches of the C: drive in 
  c:\Documents and Settings\echamberlain\Recent

but the actual file is not created.

How to repeat:
Load the .mwb file
Pick Export under File menu
Pick Forward Engineer to SQL Script
select any output file name (fails w/ or w/o browsing for file name)
Hit Next

Hit Finish
[9 Feb 2008 1:06] Eric Chamberlain
Downgrading this from critical to serious.  Was able to copy out the SQL for each individual table and thereby create my database.  The process was labor-intensive but it was a work-around.
[9 Feb 2008 13:36] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[14 Feb 2008 11:33] Steffen Sens

I have the same problem now, I running 5.0.13 OSS. I can not export to sql create file. No error, no file.

Export to sql alter file works proper. 

Exporting also from previous working .mwb does not work anymore... I can not export to create sql at all.

I have deinstalled and installed the Workbench again... with no improvement

best regards
Steffen Sens
[15 Feb 2008 9:31] Steffen Sens

I have some news...

It seeems to be very important to keep the the data of the catalog and the EER synchronished.

I started with a older (working) version of my *.mwb file and cleaned the old tables from catalog (tables, that are not included in the EER) by drag/drop from right catalog window into EER and than deleting with right mouse menue and confirm to delete also all relevant database object. This is the the save way to keep the data consistent....

Now everything is working fine....

best regards
Steffen Sens
[8 Apr 2008 22:14] Johannes Taxacher
there are validation pages in the export/sync wizards to inform the user about issues in the model.
[22 Aug 2008 15:45] Tony Bedford
What version did the fix go into please?
[27 Nov 2009 17:51] Johannes Taxacher
fix was included 5.0.19
[30 Nov 2009 11:58] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.0.19 changelog:

Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard generated no output script. Further, no error or warning messages appeared to be generated that might explain this.

The error message in this case was displayed in the Advanced Log, which was not visible to the user. MySQL Workbench was changed so that the Advanced Log appeared to the user if it received an error message.