Bug #34413 "declarations for plugin implementors" in plugin.h should be documented
Submitted: 8 Feb 2008 12:57 Modified: 18 Jan 2010 14:20
Reporter: Roland Bouman Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.22-rc OS:Any
Assigned to: MC Brown CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Feb 2008 12:57] Roland Bouman
plugin.h (include/mysql/plugin.h) is the formal interface for creating plugins. In plugin.h we find a number of declarations which are to be used by plugin-implementors as a public interface to some of the server's internals. 

Unfortunately many of these are not documented in the manual, nor do they have comments in plugin.h.

This effectively means that it cannot be used as a public interface - plug-in implementors still need to grep the source code to see the implementation of the functions and hopefully find some meaningful comments there. In many cases, the implementations are not commented on either, which means the plug-in implementator will have to resort to guessing.

How to repeat:
Oopen include/mysql/plugin.h, 

see declarations following line 266:

  the following declarations are for use by plugin implementors

and declarations following line 667:

  Miscellaneous functions for plugin implementors

Suggested fix:
Please provide source code comments to describe at least the arguments, return value and effect of these functions. 

IMO, it is very important to provide enough clues in the include file and make it as easy as possible to use this interface. 

Secondly, each of the intended members of the public interface should be documented in a manual describing the function arguments, return value and effect. 

Preferably this should add value to the source code comments and also include an example of the usage, as well as some recommendations (a scenario) illustrating the purpose of the function (rather than just its effect).
[9 Feb 2008 19:56] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report.
[13 Feb 2008 20:17] Roland Bouman

[18 Jan 2010 14:20] MC Brown
This bug has been promoted to a WorkLog item, and is now part of: 

[18 Jan 2010 18:19] Sergei Golubchik
is there a reason for WL#5228 to be private ?
[19 Jan 2010 7:12] MC Brown
Actually it's marked public, but it certainly isn't showing on the Forge, so I will check why this isn't showing.
[19 Jan 2010 8:23] Sergei Golubchik
I've vaguely remember that forge has a hard-coded of WL categories to show.
Perhaps WL#5228 is in the other category ?