Bug #34110 Crash in InnoDB when used "embedded"
Submitted: 28 Jan 2008 19:07 Modified: 14 May 2010 17:17
Reporter: Joerg Bruehe Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.1.23-rc OS:Other (See report text)
Assigned to: Sunny Bains CPU Architecture:Any

[28 Jan 2008 19:07] Joerg Bruehe
This crash happened in the 5.1.23-rc release build,
when running the test suite on the "embedded" server:

main.innodb                    [ fail ]

ERROR: mysqltest returned unexpected code 139, it has probably crashed

Stopping All Servers

Some platforms report status 139, others report 138.

List of crashing platforms:
- FreeBSD 6.0, x86 + x86_64
- HP-UX 11.23, IA64
- i5os, PowerPC both 32 and 64 bit
- Linux, PPC
- RedHat 3, x86 + x86_64
- RedHat 3, IA64 (ICC)
- RedHat 4, x86_64
- OS X 10.4, x86 + PPC-32 + PPC-64
- OS X 10.5, x86 + x86_64
- Solaris 9,  Sparc-32 + Sparc-64 + x86
- Solaris 10, Sparc-32 + Sparc-64 + x86 + x86_64

There is only *one* platform on which this test crashes if run on a separate server, that is SuSE 10 on x86_64,
and this happens only in one configuration, in the "PS" test run.
This does not seem to be related.

How to repeat:
Found while running the test suite.
[4 Feb 2008 8:11] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

I can not repeat described behavior on support Solaris machine. Please indicate one of machines bug is repeatable on. Also please confirm or reject if bug is repeatable every time when tests run.
[6 Feb 2008 10:21] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Verified as described.

Problem description below.

$cat bug34110.test
--source include/have_innodb.inc

set foreign_key_checks=0;
create table t2 (a varchar(10), foreign key (a) references t1(a)) engine = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
create table t3(a varchar(10) primary key) engine = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
rename table t3 to t1;

$./mysql-test-run.pl main.bug34110
Logging: ./mysql-test-run.pl main.bug34110
mysqltest: At line 6: query 'rename table t3 to t1' failed: 1025: Error on rename of './test/t3' to './test/t1' (errno: 150)

Which is correct.

$./mysql-test-run.pl --embedded-server main.bug34110
Logging: ./mysql-test-run.pl --embedded-server main.bug34110
mysqltest: At line 6: query 'rename table t3 to t1' failed: 1025: Error on rename of '/PATH/mysql-test/var/master-data/test/t3' to '/PATH/mysql-test/var/master-data/
[6 Feb 2008 13:39] Heikki Tuuri
Can you make a stack trace? The bug is probably something very simple that I can spot once I have the trace.


[7 Feb 2008 8:15] Sveta Smirnova
Not, embedded server fails to start with --debug option. Additionally "No stack trace on core dump" is its knowsn limitation.

But it is easy to repeat: just save my test case as bug34110.test and run ./mysql-test-run.pl --embedded-server main.bug34110
[14 May 2010 17:17] Joerg Bruehe
The test "innodb" has been removed some time after March, 2010.
In my local tests, I haven't been running "embedded" until recently,
so I cannot easily tell when it failed the last time.

As of now, I cannot reproduce it on my three Linux machines
(including PPC), so I set it to "can't repeat".
[14 May 2010 18:42] Joerg Bruehe
I scanned the release build logs for some platforms (not all),
and the last version that had this test fail when run "embedded" was 5.1.31sp1.

In 5.1.32, there were also issues, but not in "embedded", so that must have been something different.

Since then, I didn't see any failures of this test in the logs that I scanned.