Bug #32835 Schemata Redraw problem
Submitted: 29 Nov 2007 4:35 Modified: 15 Mar 2008 12:55
Reporter: Gary Pendergast Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.14 OS:Windows (Vista)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Nov 2007 4:35] Gary Pendergast
When scrolling through a list of tables in the Physical Schemata, the table names and icons are not re-drawn. Maximizing/Restoring the Workbench window causes it to re-draw properly.

This is Verified on Windows Vista, I have not tested it in other versions or OS's. The same problem occurs with both hardware and software rendering.

As a side note, the table names don't appear to be lining up correctly.

See attached screen shots for how the window looked before and after scrolling.

How to repeat:
Workbench kept crashing when I tried to save an MWB file, so you will need to import the attached SQL file.

Suggested fix:
[25 Feb 2008 20:39] Gary Pendergast
Re-verified with 5.0.14
[7 Mar 2008 16:44] Johannes Taxacher
scrolling and column-alignment fixed now (SVN Rev 2686)
[15 Mar 2008 12:55] MC Brown
A note has been added to the 5.15 changelog: 

When scrolling through a schema, the tables in the schema were not redrawn correctly