Bug #32588 Multiple diagrams cause objects to "disappear"
Submitted: 21 Nov 2007 18:17 Modified: 25 Feb 2008 20:15
Reporter: marc castrovinci (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.09 SE/OSS BETA OS:Windows (XP SP2)
Assigned to: Johannes Taxacher CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: add, disappear, erd diagram, items, lose, model, object, qc, schema, table, workbench

[21 Nov 2007 18:17] marc castrovinci
If you have two ERD Diagram tabs open then use the catalog to add items, items are no longer seen. If you try add it again, you get an error about object being already in the view.

How to repeat:
1. Add a new schema by clicking the plus sign.
2. On the first schema ( the original one named mydb), add two tables.
3. On the second scehma, add two tables with names different then the other schema.
4. Double click the add diagram icon.
5. Go back and double click it again. 
   You should now have two tabs for ER Diagrams
6. In the first diagram, click and drag both tables from the first schema catalog.
   You should see the tables.
7. Click the tab for the other ER Diagram, then go back to the first ER Diagram.
   Tables are still there.
8. Go to the second ER Diagram and click and drag the tables from the second schema catalog.
   You see no table.
9. Click to the first ER Diagram.
   Now the tables are gone.
10. Drag a table from the first catalog back into the ER Diagram.
    You get an error about the item being there already.
11. Go to the second ER Diagram.
    Still see nothing.
12. Click and drag AND hold like you are selecting items, from the top left to bottom right corner of the diagram.
    You can see the table that you had added.
13. Click and drag a new layer.
    You can see the layer just fine.
14. Go to the first ER Diagram and try to do the same.
    You can't even see the box that you are selecting or layer to add.

Suggested fix:
not sure.
[29 Nov 2007 13:38] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[1 Dec 2007 21:30] Jeromey Brown
I have seen issue of this when copying a table in the same model then pasting into the same model. The object does not appear. When this happened I tried creating a new table. Once the new table rendered the original table I copied rendered as well. It Acted as if it was hidden.
[1 Dec 2007 21:45] Jeromey Brown
In additional to my last comment the model file seems to corrupt also as a result of the above actions. If I recreate and only create a new table to file does not corrupt on save.
[7 Dec 2007 0:37] Alfredo Kojima
What video card do you use?
[20 Feb 2008 1:36] Alfredo Kojima
This is caused by defective software rendering which is being replaced in 5.0.14
[21 Feb 2008 17:58] Johannes Taxacher
fixed in 5.0.14
[25 Feb 2008 20:15] Peter Lavin
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been addressed in the documentation. The updated documentation will appear on our website shortly, and will be included in the next release of the relevant products.
Added to the changelog.