Bug #30913 | MySQL Query Browser crash on select schema | ||
Submitted: | 8 Sep 2007 3:20 | Modified: | 10 Oct 2007 11:45 |
Reporter: | dhaby xiloj | Email Updates: | |
Status: | No Feedback | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Query Browser | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 1.2.12 | OS: | Linux (slackware linux 12) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any | |
Tags: | crash, SELECT, shcema |
[8 Sep 2007 3:20]
dhaby xiloj
[10 Sep 2007 11:45]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Are you using a binary from our download website page? otherwise could you please try?. Thanks in advance.
[10 Oct 2007 8:43]
My QB version is 1.2.12 (5.0r12-56). My OS is OpenSuse 10.3 64bit. I've got the same issue. When I want to select schema (by 'use <databaseName>;' or by selecting it by mouse) my QB is crushing - QB window's closing but it's process still works.
[10 Oct 2007 19:31]
Antonio Pinto
Same for me. I am under Gentoo and I install query-browser using "emerge -av mysql-gui-tools" with USE="administrator nls query-browser". All the more, I can see the window application only if I put no default_schema in the login form of query-browser (probably because it's freezing). I've no problems with mysql-administrator.
[10 Oct 2007 23:00]
Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the information that was originally requested, please do so and change the status of the bug back to "Open".
[9 Nov 2007 12:22]
Tomáš Linhart
I can confirm this behaviour. On my Arch linux current, it happens as described with both stock MySQL GUI Tools 5.0r12, or custom compiled. Using gdb, it shows the problem rises when new thread is spawned. It started after some major update (among others GTK libs), if it helps.
[30 May 2008 13:37]
Roland Kainrath
I have the same problem on OpenSUSE 10.3. I have installed from the opensuse repo.
[25 Jun 2008 10:04]
Mario Rubiales
I also have the same problem, i'm using Debian Lenny, kernel 2.6.22-3-486, mysql-query-browser version 1.2.12 Any solution ???
[28 Jul 2008 14:32]
david garcia
I have the same problem with the mysql-gui-tools-5.0 QB version, in a Ubuntu linux 8x
[9 Sep 2008 15:13]
Nicolas Rota
The same for me on Slackware 12.0 and mysql 5.0.37 using standard precompiled files for mysql query browser. After first login (no default_schema is select) the application crashes on schema selection and CPU usage is around 100%. If we insert a db name in the default_schema (login window) any windows appears and CPU usage is still around 100%. Any suggestion? Please help! :D
[7 Nov 2008 18:24]
Ray Griffin
After running sudo apt-get -y mysql-query-browser in Ubuntu 7.10, I go to select schema from the file menu and the query browser crashes irrecoverably...every single time. My version is 2.20.0...the latest version in Ubuntu.
[7 Feb 2009 21:47]
Artur Allkoci
For Fedora users: 1) Go to http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3 2) Advanced RPM Search 3) Select fedora version (tested with fedora 8) 4) Download mysql-query-browser-5.0r12-4.fc8.i386.rpm 5) Extract the content of mysql-query-browser-5.0r12-4.fc8.i386.rpm 6) Replace /usr/bin/mysql-query-browser with new file (extracted on step 5) 7) Replace /usr/bin/mysql-query-browser-bin with new file (extracted on step 5) 8) Delete or rename folder /usr/share/mysql-gui/query-browser 9) Copy folder "query-browser" (from step 5) to /usr/share/mysql-gui/ Tested with fedora 8 , kernel Artur Allkoci , Image Systems , Albania
[2 Nov 2009 20:29]
Sanjay Jain
The same thing happens to me on Debian testing. Yes I did download the binaries from your site and installed. I am not sure I can change the status of this bug.