Bug #29443 | cost calculations are off | ||
Submitted: | 29 Jun 2007 13:28 | Modified: | 14 Oct 2010 12:30 |
Reporter: | Matthew Lord | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Verified | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 5.1.19 | OS: | Any |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any | |
Tags: | bfsm_2007_07_19, bfsm_2007_07_19, bfsm_2007_10_18, bfsm_2007_10_18, cost, cost, explain, explain, Optimizer, Optimizer, partitioning, partitioning |
[29 Jun 2007 13:28]
Matthew Lord
[24 Jul 2007 12:53]
Sergey Petrunya
My server version: 5.1-bk, compiled with BUILD/compile-pentium-debug-max on a 32-bit Linux. Tip changeset: ChangeSet@1.2553, 2007-07-22 01:58:37+05:00, gshchepa@gleb.loc +2 -0 Merge gleb.loc:/home/uchum/work/bk/5.0-opt into gleb.loc:/home/uchum/work/bk/5.1-opt MERGE: 1.1810.2871.37 Extra arguments used when loading data: --innodb-buffer-pool-size=1G --innodb-additional-mem-pool-size=160M Extra arguments used when running queries: none.
[24 Jul 2007 12:56]
Sergey Petrunya
Setting status to Can't repeat. Please set back to verified when you have the steps needed to repeat. (If you observe the effect on your instance of loaded data, it is an option that you make available somewhere on the build/support machines and we debug it there)
[25 Jul 2007 10:46]
Sergey Petrunya
Failed to repeat with the provided my.cnf used with 5.1.20-beta-log official community binary. (Both queries became faster but have the same speed, EXPLAINs are the same)
[27 Jul 2007 10:55]
Sergey Petrunya
Okay I have managed to repeat. The trick was to do SET time_zone='-4:00'
[30 Jul 2007 14:12]
Sergey Petrunya
Analysis: The problem is caused by those lines in best_extension_by_limited_search(): if (join->sort_by_table && join->sort_by_table != join->positions[join->const_tables].table->table) /* We have to make a temp table */ current_read_time+= current_record_count; This "if" is taken for the "fast" join order but is not taken for the "slow" join order. Added cost leads the optimizer to conclude that the "fast" join order is more expensive than "slow". In fact, both fast and slow join orders use a temporary table so the if-branch should be either taken, for both of them, or not taken for either of them. The value of join->sort_by_table is produced by get_sort_by_table(). Its return value is interpreted as if it was possible to avoid use of temporary table in the "slow" join order.