Bug #25687 Can't manage user after upgrading MySQL to version 5.0.27-community-nt
Submitted: 17 Jan 2007 22:06 Modified: 31 Mar 2014 9:16
Reporter: Luigi Sandon Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.2.8 OS:Windows (Window XP/2000)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: unscheduled

[17 Jan 2007 22:06] Luigi Sandon
After upgrading from 4.1 to 5.0.27-community-nt I cannot manage user from MySQL Administrator. When clicking a user the user data tabs stay disabled. No error is returned. I can see the words "fetching user data" on the toolbar, but nothing happens. User context menu has clone and deleted disabled. Only add new user is active, when trying to create a new user I get:

"Error while storing the user information. The user might have been deleted.
Please refresh the user list.". A shell window appear with message:
"* Message: save user: error deleting old SP privileges"

The user is created anyway.

MySQL Server is running on a Windows 2000 Server SP4, all patches to date. My SQL Administrator tried on both the server with localhost connection, and on a XP SP2 (all patches to date), connected via TCP/IP.

Tried to install mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r8-win32.msi on both machines, same problem.

How to repeat:
Just try to manage users...
[17 Jan 2007 23:21] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Have you applied the instructions to upgrade
from 4.1 to 5.0 mentioned in the Manual:


otherwise could you please do and inform the results. Thanks in advance.
[18 Jan 2007 8:32] Luigi Sandon
I followed the upgrade instruction and run mysqlupgrade, everything went smooth.

I could try to run it again with the -force parameter, and see what happens.
[19 Jan 2007 20:47] Luigi Sandon
I run:

C:\Programmi\MySQL\MySQL50\bin>mysql_upgrade.exe -b C:\Programmi\MySQL\MySQL50 -d D:\db\mysql -u root -v
and after capturing the input in a file I got this error:

Could not find file mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql
Please use --basedir to specify the directory where MySQL is installed

I can't find that file anywhere.
[19 Jan 2007 21:02] Luigi Sandon
The script is not installed if "developer components" is unchecked while installing. I don't like to have dev things hanging around on a production machine. But that's an upgrade script, it should be installed separately from dev stuff.
[19 Jan 2007 21:12] Luigi Sandon
After running the script a *couple of times* users can be edited again. Note the script looks strange: it attempts to alter proc_priv *before* creating it, for example, giving several message errors. Is it correct??
[29 Jan 2007 22:23] Ed Reed
This looks similar to Bug #25515 Can't select a user in GUI Administrator
[2 Feb 2007 14:14] Mike Lischke
Yes is a duplicate of this bug.
[2 Feb 2007 14:48] Luigi Sandon
It's just partly a duplicate: it is an installer bug IMHO. If you don't select "developers tools" you don't get a chance to upgrade MySQL correctly. An upgrade script is not a "developer tool", IMHO. The upgrade scripts should be installed always - or be in a separate install feature.
[2 Feb 2007 14:59] MySQL Verification Team
It is installer issue: mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql should be installed
with any install option in my opinion. Thank you for the feedback.
[28 Jan 2009 13:56] Mike Lischke
Changed category as this does not belong to MA.
[31 Mar 2014 9:16] Yngve Svendsen
Posted by developer:
Thank you for the bug report. We are closing this report since MySQL Server 5.0 is an obsolete version of MySQL Server and the deployment technology has changed radically in later versions of MySQL Server.