Bug #24226 DISPLAY environment variable can cause problems for Tomcat running
Submitted: 12 Nov 2006 15:34 Modified: 31 May 2007 23:40
Reporter: Harrison Fisk Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Configuration Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Linux (Linux 2.6.15 (Ubuntu 6.06 LTS))
Assigned to: BitRock Merlin CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: mer100 readme, mer101

[12 Nov 2006 15:34] Harrison Fisk
If the DISPLAY environment variable is set when starting Tomcat, it can cause issues and force Tomcat to shutdown with a message on first access similar to:

X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

How to repeat:
Set your DISPLAY to something that doesn't work, start Tomcat, access dashboard, view tomcat error log.

Suggested fix:
Unset DISPLAY before launching Tomcat in the startup scripts in order to ensure that Tomcat runs in headless mode.
[21 Nov 2006 20:20] Sloan Childers
Need to figure out if unsetting DISPLAY would still be needed if we run Java/Tomcat headless.  

[30 Jan 2007 18:00] Mark Leith
Submitted changes to Keith, should be included in the build today, over to QA now.
[21 Feb 2007 16:01] Mark Leith
Seems the "unset DISPLAY was not added to startup.sh or catalina.sh (and we also seem to have a problem with the headless setting, which is now within another bug). 

I still see no problem with using "unset DISPLAY" within startup.sh/catalina.sh as well as the headless setting - but would like Sloan's feedback. 

Assigning to Keith (as fixes were sent to him), Sloan, your feedback as well?

This is affecting a number of customers - I would like this fixed in 1.1.0 if at all possible. It affects graphing. 


[root@net-sup1 bin]# grep DISPLAY catalina.sh 
[root@net-sup1 bin]# grep DISPLAY startup.sh 

[27 Feb 2007 19:56] Keith Russell
Sloan, Is it ok for "unset DISPLAY" to be included in the catalina.sh script? Mark had entered the comment: "I still see no problem with using "unset DISPLAY" within startup.sh/catalina.sh as well as the headless setting - but would like Sloan's feedback."
[2 Mar 2007 22:06] Keith Russell
Bitrock, Please add "unset DISPLAY" to the apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.sh file.
[2 Mar 2007 23:50] BitRock Merlin
Keith, can you change in your builds for now?
[3 Mar 2007 18:23] BitRock Merlin
New patch sent to keith
[29 Mar 2007 15:22] Carsten Segieth
checked OK with
[30 Mar 2007 16:14] Peter Lavin
Added to changelog.
[15 May 2007 20:44] Keith Russell
The update installer should modify the "catalina.sh" script to include "unset DISPLAY".  This bug is being re-opened to track this change.
[17 May 2007 15:34] BitRock Merlin
Patch sent to Keith
[21 May 2007 18:03] Keith Russell
Patch installed in versions =>
[28 May 2007 23:47] Bill Weber
Verified it's now in the update in build