Bug #2289 mysql client seems linked against libedit instead of readline for GPL binaries
Submitted: 5 Jan 2004 10:33 Modified: 13 Jan 2004 14:14
Reporter: Harrison Fisk Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Command-line Clients Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1.1, 5.0.0 rpms OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: Lenz Grimmer CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Jan 2004 10:33] Harrison Fisk
The MySQL-client rpm seems to be linked against libedit instead of readline for the GPL version because some normal readline funtionality is missing.

Some other distributions might have the issue as well.

How to repeat:
1.  Login to the mysql client.
2.  Try something that works in readline, but not in libedit, such as hitting CTRL+r which should give you reverse-i-search.

CTRL+r does nothing in libedit, but works fine in readline (you can see what should happen if you use the bash shell and hit CTRL+r).

Also if you look at the strings in the client, you can see some that appear only in the libedit library.

shell> strings `which mysql` | grep -i readline
Can't initialize batch_readline
ReadLine compatible completition function

The second one shows that it is infact linked against libedit.

Suggested fix:
Link against readline instead of libedit.
[5 Jan 2004 10:43] Dean Ellis
Also true for the 5.0 binary tar.gz package.
[13 Jan 2004 11:36] Lenz Grimmer
RPM building should be fixed for the next releases now (4.1.2, 5.0.1 and above):

ChangeSet@1.1692, 2004-01-13 19:55:37+01:00, lenz@kallisto.local
   - link the mysql client RPM against libreadline instead of libedit
     (BUG 2289)
[13 Jan 2004 14:14] Lenz Grimmer
Building of the 5.0 tar.gz files should now be fixed, too (fixed a brain fart in
the release build scripts)
[15 Jan 2005 22:01] Stéphane Messerli
Still the same issue for source tar.gz 4.18a and 4.1.9.