Bug #15255 Release 5.0.16 contains broken devel package
Submitted: 26 Nov 2005 5:41 Modified: 10 Mar 2006 17:10
Reporter: Thomas Keller Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.0.16 OS:Linux (Linux (glibc23))
Assigned to: Kent Boortz CPU Architecture:Any

[26 Nov 2005 5:41] Thomas Keller
It took me quite a lot time to figure out why I couldn't compile PHP 5.0.5/ 5.1.0 with the latest MySQL 5 packages provided as rpm.

The problem is that /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.la (and probably others as well) contain references to /usr/lib/mysql/libz.la under dependency_libs, where in 5.0.15 packages only "-lz" was supplied (which is correct since there is no such library supplied within this package and the zlib project makes no usage of the automake build process so there literally _exists_ no such file anywhere...).

I downgraded this single rpm file to 5.0.15 and the compile went through almost flawlessly.

I learned a lot about different things (especially *.la files), but I don't want to do this another time =)

How to repeat:
see above
[26 Nov 2005 11:15] Valeriy Kravchuk
This problem with libz introduced in 5.0.16 is already known for some time. Looks like a duplicate of http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=15223. Please, check. You may add your comments to that bug report also.
[28 Nov 2005 9:45] Sergei Golubchik
It's a different bug, I believe.
[21 Dec 2005 17:27] Scott Marlowe
OK, considering that this breaks building PHP against MySQL, I'm hoping someone is working on this problem.  It would appear that some bug fix with the zlib dependency resulted in this bug appearing.  If so, that fix should be reverted.  Then, after a new devel package is produced, someone can look at finding a REAL fix for the dependency issue, not one that breaks other systems.

Breaking compatibility with PHP is REAL bad, as PHP is pretty much the lingua franca for MySQL sites.
[7 Mar 2006 21:56] Scott Marlowe
So, why does MySQL include the zlib library in its RPMs?  My OS (Fedora Core 2 and 3, and soon 4) all include the zlib library.  It's here:  /usr/lib/libz.so.1 which is a link to /usr/lib/libz.so.

Can't MySQL just find and use that?  or is there an issue with it not being a standard name?

I'd much rather have things like an extra zlib be in a compatibility library that I can choose to install or not, based on my system needs.

Is this problem not present in the RedHat EL rpms due to not needing a separate zlib there?  Should people running Fedora Core be steered towards those RPMs?
[10 Mar 2006 17:10] Kent Boortz
It was decided to use a "trusted" libz version to create the server
binaries, and link statically against that library. As we create
client libraries, static and shared, this caused some unexpected
side effects.

With 5.0.19 the build of PHP 5.1.2 has been verified, but there
is more work to be done to make all zlib issues go away.

If you still get failures to compile PHP with MySQL 5.0.19,
please specify the exact configure line and PHP version.
[14 Jun 2006 11:18] [ name withheld ]
I'm using Mysql 5.0.22, trying to install PHP 5.1.4. Mysql was installed through `yum install mysql-server.i386` (FC4). The problem with libz.la is still there.