Bug #15094 VC++ project is not correct (with other minor problems)
Submitted: 21 Nov 2005 10:11 Modified: 19 Jan 2006 21:28
Reporter: William ZHANG Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Compiling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.15 OS:Windows (Windows 2003)
Assigned to: Kent Boortz CPU Architecture:Any

[21 Nov 2005 10:11] William ZHANG
I have downloaded the source code from:
and used VC++ 6.o to build it. VC++ gives the error:

fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'D:\mysql-5.0.15\sql\examples\ha_archive.cpp': No such file or directory

Since the file should be "sql\ha_archive.cpp". And you forgot to add file "sql\sql_cursor.cpp".

Another problem is with "Docs\manual.chm". I cannot use its "search" or "index".

How to repeat:
Open mysql.dsw with VC++ 6.0 and build "mysqld".
Open manual.chm and try by yourself.

Suggested fix:
You'd better fix the VC++ project and the manual.
[21 Nov 2005 11:27] MySQL Verification Team
The 5.0.XX for to be compiled with VC++ 6.0 isn't more supported
use instead the compiler VS 2003.

I am changing the status to verified, for the project files VC++ 6.0's *.dsw to
be removed from the Windows source package at once.

Thank you for the bug report.


"To build MySQL on Windows from source, you need the following compiler and resources available on your Windows system:

      Visual Studio 2003 compiler system (VC++ 7.0).

      Between 3 and 5 GB disk space.

      Windows 2000 or higher."
[23 Nov 2005 9:48] William ZHANG
I have read the build requirements, but don't have VC++ 7.0. Anyway, remove the unsupported VC++ 6.0 projects is ok.
[11 Dec 2005 8:28] Kent Boortz
As the Visual Studio 6 project files are are not maintained in
4.1 and 5.0, they have been removed from the Windows source
package. The change will be in released 4.1.17 and 5.0.17.

This means that to build MySQL 4.1 and 5.0 from source in
Windows, Visual Studio .Net 2003 is required.
[19 Jan 2006 21:28] Mike Hillyer
Note added to functionality change section of appropriate changelogs:

          Support files for compiling with Visual Studio 6 have been
          removed. (Bug #15094)