Bug #14950 ODBC hangs on closing connection (Access, VB6)
Submitted: 15 Nov 2005 15:22 Modified: 13 Dec 2006 1:39
Reporter: Mikee Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version: OS:Windows (WinXP SP1 and SP2)
Assigned to: Jess Balint CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: ODBC5-RC

[15 Nov 2005 15:22] Mikee
Everytime I try to create an DNS in the Windows ODBC-Administrator using "MySQL Connector/ODBC v5" and click on the Test-Button or try to read in the available databases, the dialog-box hangs. The only way to close it is with the task-manager. When I click on the Test-Button, then I get a message box, telling me the connection is tested sucessfully. And after this, the ODBC-window hangs.
If I'm not pressing Test and not reading the available databases but fill the name of the database by myself, I can create the DSN. But then there are similar problems, using the DSN (see later).

I've tried different Database-Versions (4.1.15 and 5.0.15) on different computers (one with Win2K SP4 and the other with WinXP SP1) using different ODBC-Versions (3.51.06, 3.51.12, connection on the localhost as well as over the local network. I've tried all combinations, but nothing worked.

A similar problem occurs, when a program connects to MyODBC. For example MS Access: I can use linked tables, see and modify the data. Everything works fine. But when I close Access, the Application windows closes, but the process is still running in the background and can only be terminated by the taskmanager.
Also in VisualBasic 6: I tried to connent to the MySQL Server using ODBC and DAO 3.6. The connection works fine, but when I close the VB-program it hangs.

I've made 3 different ODBC-logfiles. The first (myodbc-admin.log) was made only by starting the Windows ODBC-Administrator, creating a DSN and pressing the Test-Button.

The 2nd logfile (myodbc-vb.log) was made by using my vb6-program. I just open the connection using a DSN, read 1 recordset, closed the connection and close the program

The 3rd logfile (myodbc-access.log) was mady by using MS Access XP. I opened a Access-file with linked tables. Then I opened a table with only one recordset. Closed the table an closed Access.

I hope anyone can help me, then by now I've no way to use MySQL.

How to repeat:
Info: I'm using a german Windows-Version. So I will translate the names of the links and hope, I use the correct english names.

1. Open the ODBC Administrator: START -> Control Panel -> Administration -> Datasources (ODBC)

2. Add a new user DSN and select "MySQL Connector/ODBC v5" as Driver

3. Enter the Data Source Name "myDSN", the server "localhost" (or IP-Adress), the User "root", the password

4. Klick on Test.

5. A messagebox appears "Success; connection was made!" and click "OK"

6. The dialogbox hangs. You can't see any information in the textboxes any more. They're no more shown in 3D, but only as flat, white fields.

7. When you try to close the window using the x in the upper right corner, Windows brings the message "Program don't react" (or anything like that - in german it's "Programm reagiert nicht"). When you then terminate the program, the Windows ODBC-Administrator will also be closed.

I found out, that it's enought just to press Test, without filling in any informations. Then you get an error with just 1 Sign "[" and after this, the dialogbox hangs again.
[15 Nov 2005 15:23] Mikee
ODBC-Logfile made by using Windows ODBC Administrator

Attachment: myodbc-Admin.log (application/octet-stream, text), 2.56 KiB.

[15 Nov 2005 15:27] Mikee
ODBC-Logfile made by using a VB6-program

Attachment: myodbc-VB.log (application/octet-stream, text), 148.25 KiB.

[15 Nov 2005 15:27] Mikee
ODBC-Logfile made by using MS Access XP

Attachment: myodbc-Access.log (application/octet-stream, text), 29.83 KiB.

[24 Nov 2005 12:00] Nekhayev Dennis
I have got the same problem.

Try to remove Microsoft Firewall Socket Provider from registry.
I did it with Autoruns (www.systeminternals.com).
The registry key:
[24 Nov 2005 13:38] Nekhayev Dennis
Try to reinstall Microsoft Firewall Client.
It's better way.
[13 Dec 2006 1:39] Jess Balint
Access works fine now, and there is not currently any code in the DSN config to test the connection.