Bug #14369 Views are stored without text formatting
Submitted: 27 Oct 2005 2:23 Modified: 4 Oct 2008 9:45
Reporter: Daniel Kasak (Candidate Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Views Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.0.15 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[27 Oct 2005 2:23] Daniel Kasak
I'm testing out 5.0.15 - mainly views and stored procedures. If I create either, in the mysql client or in mysql-administrator, all text formatting is stripped when the view / sp is saved.

This makes it incredibly difficult to work with anything other than trivial objects - otherwise when I return to work on a large view, I have to spend the first 5 minutes adding new lines and tabs and things to get the query in a state where I can see what's supposed to be happening ... and *then* I can actually make the desired changes ... and finally all my lovely formatting of SQL is stripped again when I save things.

How to repeat:
Create a view / stored procedure in mysql-administrator with text formatting - new lines in appropriate places, tabs to indent different things. Make it look acceptable - like you'd like someone else to format things if they're asking you to help them out with some SQL.

Save the view / stored procedure.

Click the 'edit view' button and look what's happened.

Suggested fix:
Allow formatting in views / stored procedures.

If this requires storing it twice - one in plain text, and one in the *original* format that the user specified, then so be it ...
[27 Oct 2005 14:11] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a request. Yes, even in 5.0.16-BK your formatting is not EXACTLY preserved, not only for, say, views, but for tables also:

mysql> create table pretty_t (
    ->   c1 integer,
    ->     c2 char(10)
    -> , c3 varchar(20)
    ->    default 'aaa'
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create
    ->   view pretty_v
    -> as
    ->   select
    -> *
    -> from pretty_t;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show create table pretty_t;
| Table    | Create Table          |
| pretty_t | CREATE TABLE `pretty_t` (
  `c1` int(11) default NULL,
  `c2` char(10) default NULL,
  `c3` varchar(20) default 'aaa'
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> show create table pretty_v;
| View     | Create View                                          |
DEFINER VIEW `pretty_v` AS select `pretty_t`.`c1` AS `c1`,`pretty_t`.`c2` AS `c2`,`pretty_t`.`c3` AS `c3` from `pretty_t` |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select version();
| version()  |
| 5.0.16-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

But it is really needed to add some additional clauses for your database objects, just to be able to recreate them correctly. I mean, those clauses you omitted, for example. 

So, you are right, a separate, second presentation fo text "as is" will be needed to be able to get the original formatting if somebody wants it. But, in any case, you'd better keep it in your own script files.

That is why I think it is a feature request.
[2 Jul 2006 21:59] Marc Alff
For comments in stored procedures,
see related Bug#11230
[7 Sep 2006 1:04] Daniel Kasak
Any word on this feature request? IMHO it's a very simple addition that would make MySQL far more usable for people wanting to use views and stored procedures for more than just playing around with 1-liners.

I realise I can maintain my own list of scripts, including formatting, outside of MySQL, but really the question is: Is this something that is going to sit well with people thinking about migrating to MySQL? Personally, I can live with it, but I'm by no means in the majority here. People coming from serious server environments such as SQL Server and Oracle will snort with indignation at the suggestion that they maintain their own view & stored procedures in text files somewhere. Seriously.
[13 Sep 2006 20:00] Peter Gulutzan
[27 Nov 2006 4:48] Elizalde Baguinon
This feature request should not be taken lightly. This involves SQL queries that could affect data returned from the view that is very critical. I'm using 5.0.27 and I think this request has been here for a long time.
[1 Feb 2007 22:42] Daniel Kasak
Um ... pretty please?
[18 Jul 2007 0:23] Mike Manzano
Any word on this being fixed?  I'm starting to feel the negative effects of not having my view retain formatting
[6 Aug 2008 9:28] michael last name
This issue also affects 5.0.51
The suggestion of saving code externally is ok but very tedious. Few competing products suffer this deficiency.
[4 Oct 2008 9:45] Konstantin Osipov
This is a duplicate of Bug#5159. Please use the older bug to track progress of this issue.
[2 Nov 2008 0:59] NeoEGM NeoEGM
I don't think this issue is the same as [url=Bug#5159[/url">http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=5159]Bug#5159[/url]. This one relates to preserving the format of the saved views and the other one just derived into "saving comments about views".

By the way, I find this problem quite annoying too.

Can anybody understand this without reformatting it?:

select `Rubro`.`Rubro_ID` AS `Rubro_ID`,((select count(0) AS `Relevamientos` from `Relevamientos_Vigentes`) - count(`Relevamiento`.`Relevamiento_ID`)) AS `Indefinidos` from (`Relevamiento` join `Rubro`) where (`Relevamiento`.`Relevamiento_ID` in (select `Relevamientos_Vigentes`.`Relevamiento_ID` AS `Relevamiento_ID` from `Relevamientos_Vigentes`) and `Rubro`.`Rubro_ID` in (select `Relevamiento_Dato`.`Rubro_ID` AS `Rubro_ID` from `Relevamiento_Dato` where (`Relevamiento_Dato`.`Relevamiento_ID` = `Relevamiento`.`Relevamiento_ID`))) group by `Rubro`.`Rubro_ID` union select `Rubro`.`Rubro_ID` AS `Rubro_ID`,(select count(0) AS `Relevamientos` from `Relevamientos_Vigentes`) AS `Indefinidos` from `Rubro` where (not(`Rubro`.`Rubro_ID` in (select `Relevamiento_Dato`.`Rubro_ID` AS `Rubro_ID` from `Relevamiento_Dato` where `Relevamiento_Dato`.`Relevamiento_ID` in (select `Relevamientos_Vigentes`.`Relevamiento_ID` AS `Relevamiento_ID` from `Relevamientos_Vigentes`)))) order by `Rubro_ID`;

Because that's the code MySQL generated form my view from the following code:

SELECT   Rubro.Rubro_ID AS Rubro_ID,
		 ((SELECT COUNT(* ) AS Relevamientos
		   FROM   Relevamientos_Vigentes)
			  - COUNT(Relevamiento.Relevamiento_ID)) AS Indefinidos
FROM     Relevamiento,
WHERE    (Relevamiento.Relevamiento_ID IN (SELECT Relevamientos_Vigentes.Relevamiento_ID AS Relevamiento_ID
										   FROM   Relevamientos_Vigentes)
		  AND Rubro.Rubro_ID IN (SELECT Relevamiento_Dato.Rubro_ID AS Rubro_ID
								 FROM   Relevamiento_Dato
								 WHERE  (Relevamiento_Dato.Relevamiento_ID = Relevamiento.Relevamiento_ID)))
GROUP BY Rubro.Rubro_ID
SELECT Rubro.Rubro_ID AS Rubro_ID,
	   (SELECT COUNT(* ) AS Relevamientos
		FROM   Relevamientos_Vigentes) AS Indefinidos
FROM   Rubro
WHERE  (NOT (Rubro.Rubro_ID IN (SELECT Relevamiento_Dato.Rubro_ID AS Rubro_ID
								FROM   Relevamiento_Dato
								WHERE  Relevamiento_Dato.Relevamiento_ID IN (SELECT Relevamientos_Vigentes.Relevamiento_ID AS Relevamiento_ID
																			 FROM   Relevamientos_Vigentes))))

That's the point.
As someone said, it's really tedious to have a copy of the formatted code in external text files.
[23 Feb 2012 0:18] eyal gruss
still an issue on mysql 5.5.16 on windows
[27 Sep 2017 14:43] George Eivaz
This is still a problem with 5.5.57 on ubuntu 14.04.