Bug #12304 Feature Request: Logging into database table
Submitted: 1 Aug 2005 21:02 Modified: 15 Feb 2006 14:39
Reporter: Markus Popp Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.1? OS:Any (all)
Assigned to: Petr Chardin CPU Architecture:Any

[1 Aug 2005 21:02] Markus Popp
This is not a bug report, but a feature request, maybe for MySQL 5.1.

At the moment it's only possible to write logging data into files. I thought it would be nice if they could be saved in a database table as an additional option, where the data can be managed more easily.

Also nice would be some options (for the DB table), which data should be logged: only the successful accesses, those which failed or all, also the queries, which kinds of queries (e.g. only Updates or only Deletes), only the slow queries etc. to make it very flexible which data should be in the log tables.

How to repeat:
Feature Request
[29 Aug 2005 9:50] Sergei Golubchik
You will be glad to know that this is currently work in progress :)
[29 Aug 2005 10:00] Markus Popp
That's great :-)))!
[30 Dec 2005 0:09] J.Pieter Vos
Any estimation when this will be available ?
[30 Dec 2005 9:32] Petr Chardin
The patch is in review and functionality is likely to be available
in one of the nearest 5.1 releases
[31 Jan 2006 9:03] Stephane Wierzbicki
Sound interresting. I'm hardly waiting for this feature
[10 Feb 2006 11:21] Petr Chardin
mysql slow and general logs are now available as mysql.slow_log
and mysql.general_log tables.
pushed into 5.1.6-alpha
[15 Feb 2006 14:39] Paul DuBois
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been addressed in the
documentation. The updated documentation will appear on our website
shortly, and will be included in the next release of the relevant

Additional info:

The primary description for log tables can be found here:
