Bug #11875 Mysql don't start
Submitted: 12 Jul 2005 5:20 Modified: 26 Jul 2005 17:57
Reporter: Frederico Madeira Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.1.12-1.i386 OS:Linux (Fedora Core 3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Jul 2005 5:20] Frederico Madeira
After update kernel from version 2.6.9-1.667 to version 2.6.11-1.35_FC3 the mysql-server 4.1.12-1.i386 don't start.

After i reboot the machine, and load the new kernel, the mysql don't start.
Logged the follow error in /var/log/mysql.log:

050711 00:41:14 mysqld started
050711 0:41:14 [Warning] Asked for 196608 thread stack, but got 126976
InnoDB: Error: pthread_create returned 11
050711 00:41:15 mysqld ended

When i reboot and load the old kernel, mysql start normaly.

How to repeat:
Installed the FC3 with the default mysql version: mysql-server-3.23.58-13.i386.rpm 
Run up2date and update all packages  including kernel from version 2.6.9-1.667 to version 2.6.11-1.35_FC3.
After, update the mysql to version MySQL-server-4.1.12-1.i386.rpm. 

After, reboot the machine, and load the new kernel. The mysql don't start.

After, reboot and load the old kernel, mysql start normaly.

Suggested fix:
[12 Jul 2005 6:28] Heikki Tuuri

man pthread_create says:

       EAGAIN not enough system resources to create a process for
              the new thread.

       EAGAIN more than PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX threads  are  already

Have you exhausted the computer's memory?

Are you sure that you did the upgrade to Fedore Core 3 in the right way? Maybe an inconsistency of the kernel and the glibc?


[12 Jul 2005 11:58] Frederico Madeira
I have 512Mb RAM and i use the up2date to update all packages. 
When i boot with new kernel, all services start normaly instead mysql. If i ignore them on startup, my system work fine with all oyther applications.
Only mysql is affected.
[12 Jul 2005 13:03] Heikki Tuuri
Maybe your other applications do not call pthread_create()? I am putting this bug report to the 'Can't repeat' state, since I do not recall anyone else reporting this from a recent Linux distro. This may be a bug in your particular Linux distribution, or a configuration or installation error. You should double-check that mysqld cannot exhaust your computer's memory.


[12 Jul 2005 15:22] Frederico Madeira
How i can debug this problem on my system ??
Have any tool available ??
[13 Jul 2005 14:28] Marko Mäkelä
Try strace or gdb.
[26 Jul 2005 17:57] Sergei Golubchik
could be related to bug#11802