Bug #117716 Inconsistent result when using ndb cluster
Submitted: 15 Mar 19:05
Reporter: Jiyuan Li Email Updates:
Status: Open Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: 9.1.0-cluster OS:Ubuntu (18.04)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Mar 19:05] Jiyuan Li
I created a table and run a query on mysql ndb cluster 9.1.0 and got a result, then I run same query with mysql 8.0 but not deployed as cluster, and nothing output 

How to repeat:
create table `t0` (`c1` int,`c2` varchar(255));
insert into `t0` values (1,'a'),(2,'d'),(3,'c');

select `t01`.`c1`,`t01`.`c2`,`t01`.`c3` from (select `t1`.*,@`c3`:=@`c3`+1 as `c3` from (select  `t0`.*,@`c3`:=0 from `t0` order by  `t0`.`c1`) as `t1`) as `t01` where `t01`.`c3`=2 and `t01`.`c2`='d';