Bug #117689 MySQL Workbench crashes when connecting to another database
Submitted: 12 Mar 15:52 Modified: 13 Mar 6:03
Reporter: Serge Medelice Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:Workbench 4.0.41 OS:Windows (Windows 11/Windows server 2022)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86 (CPU 2.10GHz)

[12 Mar 15:52] Serge Medelice
Hi Team,

Since MySQL server upgrade to 8.4.4, I'm seeing the following occurrence in Workbench version 8.0.41:
In Workbench, if I try to connect to a database schema running on MySQL server 8.4.4, the connection is spinning for few seconds and then Workbench ending up by crashing.
Workbench error log shows this:
 16:31:08 [ERR][  GRTDispatcher]: exception in grt execute_task, continuing: Exception: Access denied for user 'dumpuser'@'mymachine.pam.com' (using password: NO)
16:31:08 [ERR][  GRTDispatcher]: worker: task 'execute sql queries' has failed with error:.Access denied for user 'dumpuser'@'mymachine.pam.com' (using password: NO)
16:31:08 [DB1][ mforms backend]: Looking up password for 'dumpuser'@'Mysql@mymachine.pam.com:3306' has failed
16:31:08 [DB1][ mforms managed]: Running slot on main thread (waiting for it)
16:31:08 [DB2][ mforms managed]: Cross thread invocation required
16:31:08 [DB2][ mforms managed]: Running cancel_slot on main thread
16:31:08 [DB2][ mforms backend]: Forgetting cached password for 'dumpuser'@'Mysql@mymachine.pam.com:3306'
16:31:08 [DB1][ mforms backend]: Forgetting password for 'dumpuser'@'Mysql@mymachine.pam.com:3306'
16:31:21 [ERR][      WBContext]: Unsupported server version: MySQL Enterprise Server - Commercial 8.4.4-commercial

The above does not occur if I'm targeting a MySQL server with release 8.0.41

How to repeat:
Connect to Workbench version 8.0.41, select 'Database' in the menu bar, 'Connect to Database' 'Hostname' (MySQL Server running release 8.4.4), 'Username', click 'ok'
Wait few seconds whilst the connection is spinning then Workbench will disappear
[13 Mar 6:03] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Serge Medelice,

Thank you for the report and feedback.
Verified as described.
