Hello MySQL team:
Here is a bug about json_array func, detail can be seen as follow.
How to repeat:
Can be repeated in 9.2:
mysql> select JSON_ARRAY( '{\"1\":\"2\"}' );
| JSON_ARRAY( '{\"1\":\"2\"}' ) |
| ["{\"1\":\"2\"}"] |
but in Oracle if exeute `select JSON_ARRAY( '{\"1\":\"2\"}' );`
result: ["{\\\"1\\\":\\\"2\\\"}"]
if try cast result as json in MySQL:
mysql> select cast('["{\"1\":\"2\"}"]' as json);
ERROR 3141 (22032): Invalid JSON text in argument 1 to function cast_as_json: "Missing a comma or ']' after an array element." at position 4.
mysql> select cast('["{\\\"1\\\":\\\"2\\\"}"]' as json);
| cast('["{\\\"1\\\":\\\"2\\\"}"]' as json) |
| ["{\"1\":\"2\"}"] |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)