Bug #116974 SHOW CREATE VIEW produces invalid view if view contains CTE w/ an unaliased window function column
Submitted: 13 Dec 23:32 Modified: 14 Dec 7:44
Reporter: Duke Lee Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Information schema Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.39, 8.0.40 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Dec 23:32] Duke Lee
If you create view that contains a CTE, and the CTE SELECTs an unnamed/unaliased window function as a column, the creation of this view will succeed. However, if you run SHOW CREATE VIEW against the view, mysql will generate an invalid CREATE VIEW statement.

Mysql generates a column name for the window function, but this column name is invalid. e.g. with the following view:

CREATE VIEW invalid_view AS
WITH test_cte (col1) AS (
        RANK() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id
            ORDER BY id ASC
    FROM test_table
SELECT * FROM test_cte

mysql will generate the following invalid view via SHOW CREATE VIEW:

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `invalid_view` AS with `test_cte` (`col1`) as (select rank() OVER (PARTITION BY `test_table`.`id` ORDER BY `test_table`.`id` )  AS `RANK() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id
            ORDER BY id ASC
        )` from `test_table`) select `test_cte`.`col1` AS `col1` from `test_cte`

This error can result in silent failures that break backup/restore processes, etc.

How to repeat:

USE test;

-- Copy, paste, and execute results of SHOW CREATE VIEW here.
-- You can see that valid_view can be recreated from SHOW CREATE VIEW results

-- Moving on to invalid SHOW CREATE VIEW results

CREATE VIEW invalid_view AS
WITH test_cte (col1) AS (
        RANK() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id
            ORDER BY id ASC
    FROM test_table
SELECT * FROM test_cte

SHOW CREATE VIEW invalid_view;

DROP VIEW invalid_view;

-- Copy, paste, and execute results of SHOW CREATE VIEW here.
-- You can see that invalid_view CANNOT be recreated from SHOW CREATE VIEW results

-- Moving onto workaround example

CREATE VIEW workaround_view AS
WITH test_cte AS (
        RANK() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id
            ORDER BY id ASC
        ) AS forced_name
    FROM test_table
SELECT * FROM test_cte

SHOW CREATE VIEW workaround_view;

DROP VIEW workaround_view;

-- Copy, paste, and execute results of SHOW CREATE VIEW here.
-- You can see that workaround_view can be recreated from SHOW CREATE VIEW results
-- Giving the window function a column alias prevents mysql from generating a
-- column alias that is derived from the window function

-- However, the workaround only works if the column alias is at the SELECT-level
-- within the CTE. If the name is given as an argument to the CTE, then

CREATE VIEW invalid_workaround_view AS
WITH test_cte (forced_name) AS (
        RANK() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id
            ORDER BY id ASC
    FROM test_table
SELECT * FROM test_cte

SHOW CREATE VIEW invalid_workaround_view;

DROP VIEW invalid_workaround_view;

-- Copy, paste, and execute results of SHOW CREATE VIEW here.
-- Result will fail

-- The issue seems specifically related to window functions because regular
-- functions with unaliased CTE columns will work just fine:

CREATE VIEW valid_view AS
WITH test_cte (col1) AS (
            'long text',
    FROM test_table
SELECT * FROM test_cte

SHOW CREATE VIEW valid_view;

DROP VIEW valid_view;

-- Copy, paste, and execute results of SHOW CREATE VIEW here.
-- Result will succeed
[14 Dec 7:44] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Duke Lee,

Thank you for the report and test case.
