Bug #116965 ORDER BY count ASC LIMIT 0,20 在查询时缺少数据
Submitted: 13 Dec 8:33 Modified: 13 Dec 11:19
Reporter: zyk zyk Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.18-baidu-rds- OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Dec 8:33] zyk zyk
SELECT * FROM stock_item_detail WHERE repo_id = 31 AND `status` = 3 ORDER BY count ASC LIMIT 0,20
进行数量排序并分页时有bug,2页的内容会缺少数据(总共34条数据)17到24条的 count 值是相同的

How to repeat:
SELECT * FROM stock_item_detail WHERE repo_id = 31 AND `status` = 3 ORDER BY count ASC LIMIT 0,20
进行数量排序并分页时有bug,2页的内容会缺少数据(总共34条数据)17到24条的 count 值是相同的
[13 Dec 11:19] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. zyk,

Thank you for your bug report.

However, there are so many problems with your report.

First of all, 8.0.18 is an ancient version and is not supported any more. Please, try 8.0.40.

Second, let us inform you that is is a forum for the reports with fully repeatable test cases. Each of those test cases should consist of the set of SQL statements that always lead to the problem reported.

That is a third problem with your report. We do not see what is it the problem that you are trying to report.

Last, but not least, this is a forum in English language only ......

Can't repeat.