Bug #116657 Retrieving list of records that contain an empty blob causes undefined behaviour
Submitted: 14 Nov 12:44 Modified: 15 Nov 7:18
Reporter: Stuart Smith Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.40 OS:Windows (Windows11)
Assigned to: Rafal Somla CPU Architecture:x86

[14 Nov 12:44] Stuart Smith
Retrieving a list of records that contain an empty blob causes undefined behavior or invalid value. I've been able to reproduce using a perl script and C++ application making use of the ODBC driver and confirm it fails in both implementations.

How to repeat:
1. Create a table that contains a blob field.
CREATE TABLE blob_test (data BLOB)

2. Insert a record - blob field with 1 or more bytes.

my $x = '12345';
INSERT INTO blob_test (data) VALUES (?)

3. Insert another record - empty blob field (zero bytes)
my $y = '';
INSERT INTO blob_test (data) VALUES (?)

4. Retrieve records and list values.

SELECT data FROM blob_test

Output for perl script:

BLOB field lengths:
Length: 5 bytes
Content: 12345

Length: 11 bytes
Content: 12345e=file

Output for mysql cli:
mysql> select * from blob_test;
| data  |
| 12345 |
|       |

Suggested fix:
I've tried to go down that rabbit hole, but no luck. I can confirm it works up to 8.0.26. I've tried several versions all the way up to 8.0.40 with undefined behavior.
[14 Nov 12:50] Stuart Smith
Prevents us from upgrading MySql 8.0.40 ODBC driver
[14 Nov 13:37] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. Smith,

Thank you for your bug report.

Can you let us know the exact releases of C/C++ C/Perl, C/ODBC, version of Windows and it's ODBC system, so that we can attempt to repeat the behaviour.

We are waiting on your feedback.
[14 Nov 14:00] Stuart Smith
Perl details: 5, version 38, subversion 2 (v5.38.2)
C++ details: MSVC version 19.29.30151 (192930151)
ODBC Driver Version: 08.00.0040 ODBC Version: 03.80.0000 Driver ODBC Version: 03.80
ODBC Manager: Windows ODBC Manager 64-bit

FYI: All of the above is 64bit
[15 Nov 3:31] Bogdan Degtyariov
Thanks for the additional details.
Since you mentioned it can you provide the C++ test case as well?
[15 Nov 5:23] Stuart Smith
Unfortunately I can't provide the C++ code as it's part of a solution. I did however include the ODBC SQL trace, hopefully that can help. When I compared the sql logs they SQLExecute, SQLFetch and bindings had the same settings.
[15 Nov 6:39] Bogdan Degtyariov
I was able to reproduce the problem with one of my standard test cases.
The bug is verified.
[15 Nov 7:18] Stuart Smith
Brilliant news! Shout if you need anything more.