Bug #116309 Performance of TPC-H Query 8
Submitted: 7 Oct 10:39 Modified: 7 Oct 12:32
Reporter: JINSHENG BA Email Updates:
Status: Analyzing Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S5 (Performance)
Version:596f0d23 (9.0.0) OS:Ubuntu
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Oct 10:39] JINSHENG BA
A suboptimal query plan is chosen for executing query 16 in TPC-H benchmark. 

$ mysql tpch < 16.sql
-> Sort: supplier_cnt DESC, PART.P_BRAND, PART.P_TYPE, PART.P_SIZE  (actual time=8208..8209 rows=24525 loops=1)
    -> Stream results  (cost=10.4e+9 rows=3.54e+6) (actual time=495..8161 rows=24525 loops=1)
        -> Group aggregate: count(distinct PARTSUPP.PS_SUPPKEY)  (cost=10.4e+9 rows=3.54e+6) (actual time=495..8136 rows=24525 loops=1)
            -> Nested loop antijoin  (cost=3.14e+9 rows=31.4e+9) (actual time=494..7932 rows=237868 loops=1)
                -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=324912 rows=1.58e+6) (actual time=468..7718 rows=237992 loops=1)
                    -> Sort: PART.P_BRAND, PART.P_TYPE, PART.P_SIZE  (cost=41975 rows=395604) (actual time=468..484 rows=59498 loops=1)
                        -> Filter: ((PART.P_BRAND <> 'Brand#34') and (not((PART.P_TYPE like 'LARGE BRUSHED%'))) and (PART.P_SIZE in (48,19,12,4,41,7,21,39)))  (cost=41975 rows=395604) (actual time=0.458..407 rows=59498 loops=1)
                            -> Table scan on PART  (cost=41975 rows=395604) (actual time=0.453..325 rows=400000 loops=1)
                    -> Covering index lookup on PARTSUPP using PRIMARY (PS_PARTKEY=PART.P_PARTKEY)  (cost=0.792 rows=3.98) (actual time=0.119..0.121 rows=4 loops=59498)
                -> Single-row index lookup on <subquery2> using <auto_distinct_key> (s_suppkey=PARTSUPP.PS_SUPPKEY)  (cost=6706..6706 rows=1) (actual time=661e-6..661e-6 rows=521e-6 loops=237992)
                    -> Materialize with deduplication  (cost=6703..6703 rows=19929) (actual time=26.1..26.1 rows=10 loops=1)
                        -> Filter: (SUPPLIER.S_SUPPKEY is not null)  (cost=2111 rows=19929) (actual time=0.633..26.1 rows=10 loops=1)
                            -> Filter: (SUPPLIER.S_COMMENT like '%Customer%Complaints%')  (cost=2111 rows=19929) (actual time=0.632..26.1 rows=10 loops=1)
                                -> Table scan on SUPPLIER  (cost=2111 rows=19929) (actual time=0.0232..16.4 rows=20000 loops=1)

0.06s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 8.288 total

If we disable the true branch of the IF condition: https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/blob/trunk/sql/sql_select.cc#L3261-L3269, we can see a performance improvement:
$ mysql tpch < 16.sql
-> Sort: supplier_cnt DESC, PART.P_BRAND, PART.P_TYPE, PART.P_SIZE  (actual time=2314..2316 rows=24525 loops=1)
    -> Stream results  (actual time=2178..2294 rows=24525 loops=1)
        -> Group aggregate: count(distinct PARTSUPP.ps_suppkey)  (actual time=2178..2289 rows=24525 loops=1)
            -> Sort: PART.P_BRAND, PART.P_TYPE, PART.P_SIZE  (actual time=2178..2196 rows=237868 loops=1)
                -> Stream results  (cost=2.51e+9 rows=12.6e+9) (actual time=28.5..1926 rows=237868 loops=1)
                    -> Hash antijoin (`<subquery2>`.s_suppkey = PARTSUPP.PS_SUPPKEY)  (cost=2.51e+9 rows=12.6e+9) (actual time=28.5..1869 rows=237868 loops=1)
                        -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=223097 rows=630252) (actual time=0.329..1806 rows=237992 loops=1)
                            -> Filter: ((PART.P_BRAND <> 'Brand#34') and (not((PART.P_TYPE like 'LARGE BRUSHED%'))) and (PART.P_SIZE in (48,19,12,4,41,7,21,39)))  (cost=43030 rows=158244) (actual time=0.311..661 rows=59498 loops=1)
                                -> Table scan on PART  (cost=43030 rows=395604) (actual time=0.305..563 rows=400000 loops=1)
                            -> Covering index lookup on PARTSUPP using PRIMARY (PS_PARTKEY=PART.P_PARTKEY)  (cost=0.74 rows=3.98) (actual time=0.018..0.0189 rows=4 loops=59498)
                        -> Hash
                            -> Table scan on <subquery2>  (cost=6703..6954 rows=19929) (actual time=28.2..28.2 rows=10 loops=1)
                                -> Materialize with deduplication  (cost=6703..6703 rows=19929) (actual time=28.2..28.2 rows=10 loops=1)
                                    -> Filter: (SUPPLIER.S_SUPPKEY is not null)  (cost=2111 rows=19929) (actual time=1.03..28.2 rows=10 loops=1)
                                        -> Filter: (SUPPLIER.S_COMMENT like '%Customer%Complaints%')  (cost=2111 rows=19929) (actual time=1.03..28.2 rows=10 loops=1)
                                            -> Table scan on SUPPLIER  (cost=2111 rows=19929) (actual time=0.249..17.9 rows=20000 loops=1)

0.04s user 0.02s system 2% cpu 2.389 total

The output result remains the same, but both execution time and cost number are reduced by more than 50%.
The difference between both query plans is that the first uses an index scan while the second uses a table scan.
It seems using an index unexpectedly increases the cost of the query plan.

Query 16:
    count(distinct ps_suppkey) as supplier_cnt
    p_partkey = ps_partkey
    and p_brand <> 'Brand#34'
    and p_type not like 'LARGE BRUSHED%'
    and p_size in (48, 19, 12, 4, 41, 7, 21, 39)
    and ps_suppkey not in (
            s_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%'
group by
order by
    supplier_cnt desc,

TPC-H data scale: 2GB

How to repeat:
Compile MySQL in two versions, one is original and the other is with the changed IF condition. I have attached the patch file to remove the code for your reference.

diff --git a/sql/sql_select.cc b/sql/sql_select.cc
index 13584bf3860..b1d17f93b4f 100644
--- a/sql/sql_select.cc
+++ b/sql/sql_select.cc
@@ -3258,21 +3258,10 @@ bool JOIN::setup_semijoin_materialized_table(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint tableno,
       ((uint)tab->idx() == const_tables)
           ? 1.0
           : best_ref[tab->idx() - 1]->position()->prefix_rowcount;
-  if (!sjm_exec->is_scan) {
-    sjm_pos->key = keyuse->begin();  // MaterializeLookup will use the index
-    sjm_pos->read_cost =
-        emb_sj_nest->nested_join->sjm.lookup_cost.total_cost() * fanout;
-    tab->set_keyuse(keyuse->begin());
-    tab->keys().set_bit(0);  // There is one index - use it always
-    tab->set_index(0);
-    sjm_pos->rows_fetched = 1.0;
-    tab->set_type(JT_REF);
-  } else {
     sjm_pos->key = nullptr;  // No index use for MaterializeScan
     sjm_pos->read_cost = tab->read_time * fanout;
     sjm_pos->rows_fetched = static_cast<double>(tab->records());
-  }
   sjm_pos->set_prefix_join_cost((tab - join_tab), cost_model());
   return false;

To facilitate the reproduction, I also provide a docker image of our environment. 
docker run -it -p 3306:3306 jinshengba/mysql_tpch_2 /bin/bash

In the docker container, you can run the following commands to start the MySQL server:
Starting the original MySQL server:
/app/mysql-server/build/bin/mysqld --user=root --bind-address= --datadir=/app/mysql-data

Starting the modified MySQL server:
/app/mysql-server-changed/build/bin/mysqld --user=root --bind-address= --datadir=/app/mysql-data

In the host machine, you can connect to the MySQL server in the docker container by running:
mysql -h -P 3306 -uroot -proot tpch < 16.sql

I observed that the number of cost and execution time fluctuate across executions, so I typically run the query multiple times to get a stable result.