Bug #116163 COALESCE(BIT), IF(BIT) return a wrong result
Submitted: 19 Sep 14:08 Modified: 19 Sep 14:50
Reporter: Guilhem Bichot Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:9.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Sep 14:08] Guilhem Bichot
tested with github's commit 596f0d238489a9cf9f43ce1ff905984f58d227b6 (HEAD -> trunk, tag: mysql-cluster-9.0.1, tag: mysql-9.0.1, origin/trunk)
Author: Bjorn Munch <bjorn.munch@oracle.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 12 21:03:23 2024 +0200

    Update License Book

I do:
CREATE TABLE t0 (c0  bit(8));
INSERT INTO t0 (c0) VALUES (65), (66);

The I select COALESCE(c0,c0). This is expected to return something of the common type of c0 and c0, which should be BIT. But it does not (and so does its cousin IFNULL):

mysql> select hex(c0), c0, coalesce(c0), coalesce(c0,c0), ifnull(c0,c0) from t0;
| hex(c0) | c0         | coalesce(c0)               | coalesce(c0,c0)                  | ifnull(c0,c0)                |
| 41      | 0x41       | 0x3635                     | 0x3635                           | 0x3635                       |
| 42      | 0x42       | 0x3636                     | 0x3636                           | 0x3636                       |

0x41 vs 0x3635, alas.
This is observed in the 'mysql' CLI (also happens when I put this in a mtr test). The same happens with COALESCE(c0) (a single c0 argument).
For what it's worth: 0x3635 is two hex codes, which in ASCII correspond to characters '6' and '5', and 65 is the decimal value of the ASCII code of 'A' (41 hex = 65 decimal).

How to repeat:
CREATE TABLE t0 (c0  bit(8));
INSERT INTO t0 (c0) VALUES (65), (66);
select hex(c0), c0, coalesce(c0,c0), ifnull(c0,c0) from t0;
[19 Sep 14:31] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Guilhem,

Thank you for the report and test case.

[19 Sep 14:50] Guilhem Bichot
IF() is also affected, if using a BIT(32) column (observed no problem with BIT(8)). Example:

CREATE TABLE t1 (c0  bit(32));
insert into t1 values(0x00AABBCC);

select hex(c0), c0, coalesce(c0), coalesce(c0,c0), ifnull(c0,c0), if(1=1,c0,c0) from t1;
| hex(c0) | c0         | coalesce(c0)               | coalesce(c0,c0)                  | ifnull(c0,c0)                | if(1=1,c0,c0)                |
| AABBCC  | 0x00AABBCC | 0x3131313839313936         | 0x3131313839313936               | 0x3131313839313936           | 0x00C2AAC2BBC38C             |

The last column, IF(), should return the value of c0 but it does not (and it's differently from wrong from the wrong value of COALESCE).