Bug #115452 No High-Availability Support in MySQL Router Docker Image
Submitted: 28 Jun 7:43 Modified: 28 Jun 15:52
Reporter: Johnathan Smithons Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Router: Docker Image Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[28 Jun 7:43] Johnathan Smithons
The docker image will wait until MYSQL_HOST is up and then perform a bootstrap.

This means that when the cluster is running fine, but with MYSQL_HOST in maintenance, the router will never come up.

How to repeat:
Run docker image

Suggested fix:
Proposed solution, allow mounting of a persistent directory into /tmp/mysqlrouter and check if that directory exists on startup. 

If it exists, skip right to mysqlrouter --config /tmp/mysqlrouter/mysqlrouter.conf, otherwise run bootstrap

So basically just add "if [ -d /tmp/mysqlrouter ]; then" to /run.sh
[28 Jun 15:52] MySQL Verification Team
Thanks for the report.