Bug #115346 Assertion `false' materialize_iterator::SpillState::read_next_row_secondary_over
Submitted: 15 Jun 20:50 Modified: 18 Jun 1:44
Reporter: Mikhail Izioumtchenko Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S6 (Debug Builds)
Version:8.4LTS-debug,8.3.0-debug OS:Oracle Linux (v9)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Jun 20:50] Mikhail Izioumtchenko
mysql-8.3.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:2970: int materialize_iterator::SpillState::read_next_row_secondary_overflow(): Assertion `false' failed.

while executing a SELECT with UNION

How to repeat:
reproducible, see attached sql
[15 Jun 20:52] Mikhail Izioumtchenko

Attachment: b.sql (application/octet-stream, text), 3.32 MiB.

[16 Jun 19:18] Mikhail Izioumtchenko
reproduces with 8.4LTS mysqld-debug, same testcase
[17 Jun 9:37] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Mikhail,

Thank you for the report and test case.
Observed that 8.4.0 debug build is affected.

[18 Jun 1:44] Mikhail Izioumtchenko
fixed typo in Version