Bug #115265 Second stored procedure call with cacheCallableStmts might fail
Submitted: 10 Jun 11:35 Modified: 15 Jul 22:29
Reporter: Patrick Beuks Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:Connector / J Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.4.0,8.1.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: Filipe Silva CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: cacheCallableStmts, parameter meta data, Stored pocedures

[10 Jun 11:35] Patrick Beuks
Reopening ticket 115249 as it has been reproduced on 8.4.0

When you use cacheCallableStmts a second call to the same procedure can fail under the following conditions

- There is an OUT parameter
- the number of parameters defined is not equal to the amount of bound parameters, eg. on of the parameters is hardcoded
- You make a second call

The error you get is: `java.sql.SQLException: Parameter number 2 is not an OUT parameter`

From an initial investigation it looks to go wrong here:

Where in the first constructor it takes the length of the paramMap and the second it takes the number of params returned by the schema.

How to repeat:
Have a call like
"{CALL my_proc(" +
  "0," +
  "#{inField,mode=IN,jdbcType=VARCHAR}," +
  "#{outField,mode=OUT,jdbcType=VARCHAR}" +
@Options(statementType = StatementType.CALLABLE)
void myProc(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
(where my_proc has two in fields and one out field, body of proc does not seem to matter)

Call this function twice:
public void testProc() {
  final Map<String, Object> paramMap1 = new HashMap<>();
  paramMap1.put("inField", "my_field");
  paramMap1.put("outField", "");
  assertDoesNotThrow(() -> myDao.myProc(paramMap1));

  final Map<String, Object> paramMap2 = new HashMap<>();
  paramMap2.put("inField", "my_field2");
  paramMap2.put("outField", "");
  assertDoesNotThrow(() -> myDao.myProc(paramMap2));

If you defined the first param also in the map there is no error

Suggested fix:
When getting the param info from cache here: https://github.com/mysql/mysql-connector-j/blob/1c3f5c149e0bfe31c7fbeb24e2d260cd890972c4/s...

It should set the correct number of parameters
[15 Jul 22:29] Filipe Silva
Hi Patrick,

Thank you for your interest in MySQL Connector/J and for taking the time to report this bug. I confirm I'm able to reproduce it as described.