Bug #10249 mysqldump writes incorrect sql for longtext field
Submitted: 28 Apr 2005 22:25 Modified: 1 May 2005 10:12
Reporter: Carl Karcher Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: mysqldump Command-line Client Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1.11-standard OS:Linux (Fedora Core (2.6.10_1.771_FC2))
Assigned to: Sergei Golubchik CPU Architecture:Any

[28 Apr 2005 22:25] Carl Karcher
When using mysqldump (Ver 10.9 Distrib 4.1.11, for pc-linux-gnu) to export a db with binary values stored in a LONGTEXT to a file then reading (source) the file with mysql, data in the longtext field is corrupted.

Repeating the same test using the --compatible=ansi option for mysqldump does not corrupt the data.

While I understand that using a longtext field for binary data is a questionable design, the db schema we encountered this on is supplied by a vendor (Best Practical's RT). The problem does not occur when the same data is stored as a longblob field.

How to repeat:
First I'll show that using mysqldump with the --compatible=ansi option preserves the data then show that not using it corrupts the data in the field "content":

mysql> use testme;
Database changed
mysql> CREATE TABLE `attachments` (
    ->   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    ->   `Content` longtext,
    ->   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> insert into attachments (content) values(load_file('/home/karcher/test_vrent.jpg'));
mysql> \! mysqldump --compatible=ansi -u root -p -r testme_ansi.sql testme
mysql> \. testme_ansi.sql
mysql> select content into dumpfile '/tmp/test_vrent.jpg' from attachments
mysql> diff test_vrent.jpg /tmp/test_vrent.jpg
mysql> \! mysqldump  -u root -p -r testme.sql testme
mysql> \. testme.sql
mysql> select content into dumpfile '/tmp/test2_vrent.jpg' from attachments;
mysql> \! diff test_vrent.jpg /tmp/test2_vrent.jpg
Binary files test_vrent.jpg and /tmp/test2_vrent.jpg differ

As shown, when mysqldump writes output without the --compatible=ansi option and the sql is imported, the value of the field "content" is corrupted.

Binary file test_vrent.jpg to be supplied.

Suggested fix:
1. Fix mysqldump to write correct sql without the --compatible=ansi

2. Have mysqldump issue a error when writing a longtext field with binary data (how would you tell?)

This is a serious issue given that mysqldump is how many people backup or export/import their db's and would result in silent corruption should the db need to be restored.
[1 May 2005 7:02] Jorge del Conde
Thanks for your bug report.  Verified w/4.1.12 from bk:

jorge-/home/jorge> diff test_vrent.png /tmp/mitest.png 
Binary files /home/jorge/test_vrent.png and /tmp/mitest.png differ
[1 May 2005 10:12] Sergei Golubchik
Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.mysql.com/documentation/ and the instructions on
how to report a bug at http://bugs.mysql.com/how-to-report.php

Additional info:

You have to use BLOB type for binary data
[4 May 2005 20:15] Carl Karcher
While I understand that it's not really a bug, I'd like to request that it be very strongly documented. Anything (even user error) that can result in silent corruption should be strongly documented.

I've since found that using the --compatible=ansi is not a workaround since that doesn't save certain table attributes such as storage engine. I cound't find any documenation that would explain that.

I did submit the issue to Best Practical, the vendor who supplied the schema for the application (RT), suggesting the field should be changed to longblob from longtext.
[11 May 2006 20:01] [ name withheld ]
pardon - this is NOT a bug ?

the user has to pay for that (corrupt all data without knowing it) because the developer stores the data in somewhat "exotic" form ?


if i do a mysqldump for backup (thousands of people do) - the least what i need and what i expect is that binary data silently gets corrupted.

this one reproduceably corrupts all Attachments of my RT installation:

mysqldump rt3 >/tmp/rt3.dump
mysql rt3 </tmp/rt3.dump

this seems to avoid corruption (found this by chance) :

mkdir /tmp/backup
chmod 777 /tmp/backup
mysqldump --tab /tmp/backup rt3
cd /tmp/backup
mysql rt3 < Attachments.sql
mysqlimport --local rt3 Attachments.txt

i also think this bug is SERIOUS. 
furthermore i was going through a real upgrade/migration-hell just because of this.

i can understand the point here and the message you want to tell: developers - please store data in the right format! -  but - at least, if you won`t fix that, please make mysqldump print a big warning message to stderr about this issue! (on export&import)

i`m on SuSE10, 2.6.13-15.8-default  with  mysql-4.1.13-3

thank you!

roland k.
systems engineer