Bug #86148 MySQL Workbench 6.3 problems importing JSON files into MySQL 5.7.12
Submitted: 1 May 2017 13:19 Modified: 9 Feb 2018 18:16
Reporter: P vanBavel Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.3, 6.3.9 OS:Windows (7, 64 bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: import json exception

[1 May 2017 13:19] P vanBavel
Table Data Import Wizard

Configure Import Settings
	Detected file format: json
	Columns: --- nothing visible
	 	Unhandled exception: 0"
	Table Data Import
	"File not loaded properly, Please check the file and try again"

================ 	Content of file example.json 	================
{ "items": [
      "key": "First",
      "value": 100
      "key": "Second",
      "value": false
      "key": "Last",
      "value": "Mixed"
  "obj": {
    "number": 1.2345e-6,
    "enabled": true
  "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."
The file structure of example.json  is 100% correct JSON.
Executing the following MySQL:

	SET @j = '{ "items": [
	      "key": "First",
	      "value": 100
	      "key": "Second",
	      "value": false
	      "key": "Last",
	      "value": "Mixed"
	  "obj": {
	    "number": 1.2345e-6,
	    "enabled": true
	  "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."
	SELECT JSON_INSERT(@j, '$', '');

# JSON_INSERT(@j, '$', '')
{"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}
Executing the following MySQL (a couple of times) results in correct insertions of the JSON record.:

SET @j = '{ "items": [
	      "key": "First",
	      "value": 100
	      "key": "Second",
	      "value": false
	      "key": "Last",
	      "value": "Mixed"
	  "obj": {
	    "number": 1.2345e-6,
	    "enabled": true
	  "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."
insert into test_table
VALUES(null , JSON_INSERT(@j, "$", ""));
# ID, JSON_Fld
1, {"An Array": [2, 3], "Just a value": 1, "JSON Structure": {"Array": [10, 20, 30]}}
2, {"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}
3, {"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}
4, {"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}
5, {"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}

How to repeat:
Table Data Import Wizard
Select File to Import
		<My file is called: example.json>
Select Destination and Options
Create New Table <Test>  and truncate befor import
Configure Import Settings
	Detected file format: json
	Columns: --- nothing visible
	 	Unhandled exception: 0"
	Table Data Import
	"File not loaded properly, Please check the file and try again"

================ 	Content of file example.json 	================
{ "items": [
      "key": "First",
      "value": 100
      "key": "Second",
      "value": false
      "key": "Last",
      "value": "Mixed"
  "obj": {
    "number": 1.2345e-6,
    "enabled": true
  "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."
The file structure of example.json  is 100% correct JSON.
Executing the following MySQL:

	SET @j = '{ "items": [
	      "key": "First",
	      "value": 100
	      "key": "Second",
	      "value": false
	      "key": "Last",
	      "value": "Mixed"
	  "obj": {
	    "number": 1.2345e-6,
	    "enabled": true
	  "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."
	SELECT JSON_INSERT(@j, '$', '');

# JSON_INSERT(@j, '$', '')
{"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}
Executing the following MySQL (a couple of times) results in correct insertions of the JSON record.:

SET @j = '{ "items": [
	      "key": "First",
	      "value": 100
	      "key": "Second",
	      "value": false
	      "key": "Last",
	      "value": "Mixed"
	  "obj": {
	    "number": 1.2345e-6,
	    "enabled": true
	  "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."
insert into test_table
VALUES(null , JSON_INSERT(@j, "$", ""));
# ID, JSON_Fld
1, {"An Array": [2, 3], "Just a value": 1, "JSON Structure": {"Array": [10, 20, 30]}}
2, {"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}
3, {"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}
4, {"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}
5, {"obj": {"number": 0.0000012345, "enabled": true}, "items": [{"key": "First", "value": 100}, {"key": "Second", "value": false}, {"key": "Last", "value": "Mixed"}], "message": "Strings have to be in double-quotes."}
[2 May 2017 7:58] MySQL Verification Team
Hello P vanBavel,

Thank you for the report.
Observed this while importing valid json file using import wizard.

[9 Feb 2018 18:16] Christine Cole
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 8.0.0 release, and here's the
changelog entry:

Importing a JSON document with the Table Data Import Wizard was

Thank you for the bug report.