Bug #73334 command line parameter for executing python scripts not working
Submitted: 20 Jul 2014 15:41 Modified: 5 Sep 2014 4:52
Reporter: Johannes Taxacher Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.1.7 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[20 Jul 2014 15:41] Johannes Taxacher
Workbench offers several parameters to pass a script-file on launch that should be executed. The parameters currently offered by the help output are "script", "run-script" and "run-python".

According to the commandline help, the first ("-script") should "Open the given SQL file in an connection ...".

Despite the information in the help output, the "-script" parameter did properly execute python files in Workbench up to version 6.1.6.
Version 6.1.7 though does not react in any visible way when passing in a python file this way (no output visible on cmd-line, output-pane or message of any other kind).

If the behavior has been changed to only accept SQL files from now, WB should give a proper response to the user when trying to use it with an unsupported filetype.

"-run-python" or "-run-script" on the other hand sound like the better choices when it comes to executing .py scripts using workbench - but these simply output some rather meaningless err messages (for files that run flawlessly when executed using the scripting shell GUI).

How to repeat:
execute this on a commandline (using a python file that prints some output):
MySQLWorkbench -script myPythonFile.py -quit-when-done

Workbench will only briefly open and close again (the close is of course due to the "-quit-when-done" parameter, but omitting that one won't change the behavior on Workbench for the script file)
[28 Aug 2014 15:09] Johannes Taxacher
Posted by developer:
fix verified in 6.2.2
[5 Sep 2014 4:52] Philip Olson
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 6.2.2 release, and here's the changelog entry:

The "--script" parameter, which is meant to load an SQL script into a
query editor, will now explicitly emit a warning when it is mistakenly used with
a Python script.

Thank you for the bug report.