Bug #7215 information_schema: columns are longtext instead of varchar
Submitted: 13 Dec 2004 1:22 Modified: 23 Feb 2005 14:06
Reporter: Peter Gulutzan Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.3-alpha-debug OS:Linux (SUSE 9.2)
Assigned to: Sergei Glukhov CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Dec 2004 1:22] Peter Gulutzan
There are information_schema columns which contain catalog identifiers. 
They have data type = 'longtext'. But that's not appropriate. 
They should have data type = 'varchar(x)' where x is the 
maximum identifier size, usually 64. It is now possible for 
a varchar to have more than 255 characters, so this should 
always be possible. 

How to repeat:
mysql> select table_schema,table_name, column_name from information_schema.columns 
where data_type = 'longtext'; 
| table_schema       | table_name        | column_name        | 
| information_schema | SCHEMATA          | CATALOG_NAME       | 
| information_schema | SCHEMATA          | SQL_PATH           | 
| information_schema | TABLES            | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
| information_schema | TABLES            | CREATE_OPTIONS     | 
| information_schema | COLUMNS           | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
| information_schema | COLUMNS           | COLUMN_TYPE        | 
| information_schema | COLUMNS           | COLUMN_COMMENT     | 
| information_schema | ROUTINES          | ROUTINE_CATALOG    | 
| information_schema | ROUTINES          | ROUTINE_DEFINITION | 
| information_schema | ROUTINES          | SQL_MODE           | 
| information_schema | STATISTICS        | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
| information_schema | VIEWS             | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
| information_schema | VIEWS             | VIEW_DEFINITION    | 
| information_schema | USER_PRIVILEGES   | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
| information_schema | SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
| information_schema | TABLE_PRIVILEGES  | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
| information_schema | COLUMN_PRIVILEGES | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
| information_schema | KEY_COLUMN_USAGE  | CONSTRAINT_CATALOG | 
| information_schema | KEY_COLUMN_USAGE  | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
| information_schema | TABLE_NAMES       | TABLE_CATALOG      | 
21 rows in set (0.11 sec)
[23 Feb 2005 11:18] Alexander Barkov
Ok to push.
[23 Feb 2005 11:38] Sergei Glukhov
Fixed in 5.0.3
[23 Feb 2005 14:06] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.0.3 changelog.