Bug #71800 Server Connections can't handle path with accent characters
Submitted: 22 Feb 2014 14:16 Modified: 24 Apr 2014 7:48
Reporter: Yo P Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: build 1158 OS:Windows (Windows 7 x64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Manage Connections, ssh

[22 Feb 2014 14:16] Yo P
We have accent characters in our language: áéíóöőúüű
My name is also contains an 'é' in 'Péter'. I use this name as a user in Windows. I have put the SSH Key File to my Desktop. The absolute URL to my Desktop is the following because of my username: 'C:\Users\Péter\Desktop\fupdmy_for_workbench'
'fupdmy_for_workbench' file is my private key file. If I move it to 'D:\fupdmy_for_workbench' I can connect, but In the previous path I got an error like this in Show Log File option:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\P\xc3\xa9ter\\Desktop\\fupdmy_for_workbench'
15:06:28 [ERR][     SSH tunnel]: Authentication error opening SSH tunnel: Authentication error, unhandled exception caught in tunnel manager, please refer to logs for details

How to repeat:
1. Create a folder on Windows which contains an accent character.
2. Create a Remote Connection in MySQL Workbench through SSH.
3. Create a private key file for your SSH connection and place it in that 'accent' folder.
4. Browse the previous private key file in that 'accent' folder.
5. Try to connect.

Suggested fix:
UTF-8 character handling?
[28 Feb 2014 14:48] Marcin Szalowicz
Thank you for the bug report.
[12 Mar 2014 16:16] Ruben Dario Morquecho Valdez
Posted by developer:
win 7 x64
Ubuntu 13.10
now you can use folder name with accented characters and use SSH key file inside such folder and no error raised anymore
successfully connected through SSH using Key file inside a folder name with accented characters.
bug fixed
[13 Mar 2014 2:06] Philip Olson
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 6.1.3 release, and here's the changelog entry:

The local private key file for an SSH connection when executing "Remote
Connection in MySQL Workbench through SSH" could not be saved to a folder
with accented characters.

Thank you for the bug report.
[24 Apr 2014 7:48] Yo P
Thank you very much! =)