Bug #70132 Execution of SHOW and DESCRIBE statements doesn't affect "Queries per Second"
Submitted: 23 Aug 2013 7:35 Modified: 27 Aug 2014 23:44
Reporter: Roman Syroeshko Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.6.10 OS:Windows (7 Home Basic 64-bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: DESCRIBE, Queries per Second, show

[23 Aug 2013 7:35] Roman Syroeshko
Execution of SHOW and DESCRIBE statements doesn't affect "Queries per Second" metric value on Server Status page. So, I can run multiple SHOW and DESCRIBE statements againts my server, and it will be reporting 0 queries per seconds. It seems to me, that it's not really true, because the server must fetch the data from somewhere (e.g. information_schema).

In the same time, execution of USE statements does affect "Queries per Second" value. Direct SELECT on information_schema tables increments "Queries per Second" correctly too.

How to repeat:
1. Launch Workbench and navigate to server status window.
2. Open MySQL client and connect to your database.
3. Make sure that Workbench shows 0 in "Queries per Second".
4. Execute USE statement against some of your databases in MySQL client.
5. Make sure that Workbench shows 1 in "Queries per Second".
6. Execute SHOW COLUMNS FROM ... or DESCRIBE statement against some table in your database.
7. Make sure that Workbench shows 0 in "Queries per Second".
8. Execute "USE information_schema;" statement in MySQL client.
9. Execute SELECT statement on some table of information_schema in MySQL client.
10. Make sure that Workbench shows 1 in "Queries per Second".

Suggested fix:
Execution of SHOW and DESCRIBE statements should affect value of "Queries per Second" and other metrics (if applied) on Server Status page.
[23 Aug 2013 8:07] Peter Laursen
I have not tested, but to me it looks more like a server issue than a client/Workbench issue.
[23 Aug 2013 19:46] Alfredo Kojima
Reassigning to server as this is not WB specific.
[24 Aug 2013 7:50] Roman Syroeshko
Updated "Version".
[26 Jul 2014 17:07] Alfredo Kojima
It appears that the meaning of Queries per Second is unclear, so I'm setting this to Verified so that we can address that. FYI we don't include SHOW commands (and neither USE) in that value.
[27 Aug 2014 23:44] Philip Olson
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 6.2.2 release, and here's the changelog entry:

The "Queries per Second" metric was renamed to "Selects per Second", to
avoid confusion.

Thank you for the bug report.