Bug #68693 Word wrap doesn't persist between sessions
Submitted: 16 Mar 2013 22:35 Modified: 28 Aug 2014 22:06
Reporter: Teodor Hadjiev Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.47 OS:Windows (Win7 x64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: editor, session, SQL, word, wrap

[16 Mar 2013 22:35] Teodor Hadjiev
Sql Editors do not remember the state of Word Wrap setting between sessions or even when opening a new sql tab for executing queries (in which case it starts with Word wrap off by default).
WB is set to autosave snapshot of open editors on close, and when I reopen the application and an sql editor, it restores all open queries but wordwrap is off, and many of my queries are cut off beyond the window margins, and I have to turn WW On on all of them, manually, everytime. There even isn't a scrollbar hinting that part of the query is hidden (but I might be wrong on that).

How to repeat:
Write a query that goes beyond the sql editor window boundaries so you get a long line of sql that goes on a single line. Turn wordwrap on from the toolbar.
Close the editors, reopen and if the option to save snapshot of open editors is turned on, the query is partly hidden, with wordwrap off.
Or just open another tab and wordwrap starts disabled by default.

Suggested fix:
Wordwrap state should be remembered at least for new tabs/editors, and betwee sessions. If I turn it On, it should be made persistent for future editors/tabs, even if I close/reopen the whole application.
And not only the button visual state, but the function itself too (because I feel the odds are that we could see yet another 'half-baked' bug here).
[18 Mar 2013 9:18] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.