Bug #6791 Segmentation fault when config.ini is not correctly set
Submitted: 24 Nov 2004 8:47 Modified: 24 Nov 2004 12:43
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:mysql-max-4.1.7 OS:Linux (SuSe Linux 9.1)
Assigned to: Tomas Ulin CPU Architecture:Any

[24 Nov 2004 8:47] [ name withheld ]
If config.ini is not set with the proper hostname (example, the hostname is set to "badhostname" instead of "GoodHostName"), ndb_mgmd will produce a Segmentation Fault.

How to repeat:
Start ndb_mgmd.
[24 Nov 2004 12:43] Tomas Ulin
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has already been fixed
in the latest released version of that product, which you can download at 

Additional info:

in 4.1.8 source there seems to be no issue.

bash-2.05b$ ndb_mgmd
Error line 28: Unable to lookup/illegal hostname locaost - [TCP] starting at line: 27

please provide a full config.ini that causes the problem and we will test with that