Bug #62136 failed to fetch select result using embedded mysqld
Submitted: 10 Aug 2011 5:59 Modified: 25 Apr 2012 19:12
Reporter: Qi Zhou Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Embedded Library ( libmysqld ) Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.5.15, 5.1.62, 5.5.22 OS:Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 3))
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: libmysqld, regression

[10 Aug 2011 5:59] Qi Zhou
I was using libmysqld to select records with mysql_stmt_fetch(), yet it was successful with libmysqld of v5.0.51, but failed in v5.5.15.
I read the sources, and found that in mysql5.5.15, we judge mysql status MYSQL_STATUS_STATEMENT_GET_RESULT instead of MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT,but unfortunately it is not changed in libmysqld/lib_sql.cc,may you forget it?

How to repeat:
char sql[] ="select * from mytable where key = ?";
mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql, strlen(sql));
mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind);
mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, binds);

   failed here.

Suggested fix:
I think the emb_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt) libmysqld/lib_sql.cc(321) should be changed as follow(notice line 346~348):

 321 static int emb_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
 322 {
 323   DBUG_ENTER("emb_stmt_execute");
 324   uchar header[5];
 325   THD *thd;
 326   my_bool res;
 328   int4store(header, stmt->stmt_id);
 329   header[4]= (uchar) stmt->flags;
 330   thd= (THD*)stmt->mysql->thd;
 331   thd->client_param_count= stmt->param_count;
 332   thd->client_params= stmt->params;
 334   res= test(emb_advanced_command(stmt->mysql, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, 0, 0,
 335                                  header, sizeof(header), 1, stmt) ||
 336             emb_read_query_result(stmt->mysql));
 337   stmt->affected_rows= stmt->mysql->affected_rows;
 338   stmt->insert_id= stmt->mysql->insert_id;
 339   stmt->server_status= stmt->mysql->server_status;
 340   if (res)
 341   {
 342     NET *net= &stmt->mysql->net;
 343     set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, net);
 344     DBUG_RETURN(1);
 345   }
 346   else if (stmt->mysql->status == MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT)
 347     stmt->mysql->status= MYSQL_STATUS_STATEMENT_GET_RESULT;
 348   DBUG_RETURN(0);
 349 }

please review this file, i`am not familiar with the code, may other solutions?
I’m looking forward to your reply。
[10 Aug 2011 10:39] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Are you able to provide a complete test case (dump file + c code).? Thanks.
[11 Aug 2011 13:09] Qi Zhou
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mysql.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
	MYSQL*      	 sql;
	MYSQL_STMT* 	 stmt;
	MYSQL_BIND 	   	 bind;
	unsigned*   	 indice;
	int 			 ret;
	int              result;
	unsigned long    length;

	char query1[] = "create database if not exists mydb";
	char query2[] = "use mydb";
	char query3[] = "create table if not exists mytable (id int not null, col int not null)";
	char query4[] = "insert into mytable (id, col) values (1,100)";
	char query5[] = "select col from mytable where id = ?";

	char *server_options[] = { "","--defaults-file=my.cnf","--basedir=./"};
	int  num_elements = sizeof(server_options)/ sizeof(char *);
	if(mysql_server_init(num_elements, server_options, NULL))
		puts("failed to initialize server"); 
		return 1;

	sql = mysql_init(NULL);
	if(!mysql_real_connect(sql, NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL, 3306, NULL, 0))
		printf("failed to connect\n");
	if(mysql_query(sql, query1))
		printf("failed to create database:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));
	ret = mysql_query(sql, query2);
		printf("failed to use database:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));
	ret = mysql_query(sql, query3);
		printf("failed to create table:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));
	ret = mysql_query(sql, query4);
		printf("failed to insert record:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));

    stmt = mysql_stmt_init(sql);
		printf("failed to init stmt:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));
	ret = mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, query5, strlen(query5));
		printf("failed to prepare:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

	result = 1;
	memset(&bind, 0 , sizeof(bind));
	bind.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
	bind.is_unsigned = (my_bool)0;
	bind.is_null = 0;
	bind.buffer = (char*)&result;
	bind.buffer_length = 4;
	bind.length = &length;
	ret = mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, &bind);
		printf("failed to bind param:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

	ret = mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
		printf("failed to execute stmt:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

	memset(&bind, 0 , sizeof(bind));
	bind.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
	bind.is_unsigned = (my_bool)0;
	bind.is_null = 0;
	bind.buffer = (char*)&result;
	bind.buffer_length = 4;
	bind.length = &length;
	ret = mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, &bind);
		printf("failed to bind result:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
	ret = mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
		printf("failed to store result:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
	ret = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);	
		printf("failed to fetch result:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
	return 0;

this is my source code, and you need put my.cnf in the execute directory,my.cnf :


language(../../mysql/share/english) points to mysql/share/english.
and you need mkdir data as datadir

 this program failed on  mysql_stmt_store_result and mysql_stmt_fetch, if modify the source as I suggested before, it would pass.

looking forward to your answer.
[12 Aug 2011 2:13] Qi Zhou
test file

Attachment: sql.cpp (text/plain), 2.57 KiB.

[15 Aug 2011 5:39] Qi Zhou
here is my source code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mysql.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
	MYSQL*      	 sql;
	MYSQL_STMT* 	 stmt;
	MYSQL_BIND 	   	 bind;
	unsigned*   	 indice;
	int 			 ret;
	int              result;
	unsigned long    length;

	char query1[] = "create database if not exists mydb";
	char query2[] = "use mydb";
	char query3[] = "create table if not exists mytable (id int not null, col int not
	char query4[] = "insert into mytable (id, col) values (1,100)";
	char query5[] = "select col from mytable where id = ?";

	char *server_options[] = { "","--defaults-file=my.cnf","--basedir=./"};
	int  num_elements = sizeof(server_options)/ sizeof(char *);
	if(mysql_server_init(num_elements, server_options, NULL))
		puts("failed to initialize server"); 
		return 1;

	sql = mysql_init(NULL);
	if(!mysql_real_connect(sql, NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL, 3306, NULL, 0))
		printf("failed to connect\n");
	if(mysql_query(sql, query1))
		printf("failed to create database:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));
	ret = mysql_query(sql, query2);
		printf("failed to use database:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));
	ret = mysql_query(sql, query3);
		printf("failed to create table:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));
	ret = mysql_query(sql, query4);
		printf("failed to insert record:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));

    stmt = mysql_stmt_init(sql);
		printf("failed to init stmt:%s\n",  mysql_error(sql));
	ret = mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, query5, strlen(query5));
		printf("failed to prepare:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

	result = 1;
	memset(&bind, 0 , sizeof(bind));
	bind.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
	bind.is_unsigned = (my_bool)0;
	bind.is_null = 0;
	bind.buffer = (char*)&result;
	bind.buffer_length = 4;
	bind.length = &length;
	ret = mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, &bind);
		printf("failed to bind param:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

	ret = mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
		printf("failed to execute stmt:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

	memset(&bind, 0 , sizeof(bind));
	bind.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
	bind.is_unsigned = (my_bool)0;
	bind.is_null = 0;
	bind.buffer = (char*)&result;
	bind.buffer_length = 4;
	bind.length = &length;
	ret = mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, &bind);
		printf("failed to bind result:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
	ret = mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
		printf("failed to store result:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
	ret = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);	
		printf("failed to fetch result:%s\n",  mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
	return 0;

you need create my.cnf in the execute's directory such as :


language(../../mysql/share/english) points to mysql/share/english.
and you need assign datadir for the data which means you need create the directory if it doesn`t exist.

This program failed in mysql_stmt_store_result() and mysql_stmt_fetch(), if modify the source code as I suggested before, it would pass.

Looking forward to your answer.
[24 Aug 2011 5:23] Qi Zhou
i think i selected a wrong category of this bug. changing to libmysqld
[20 Feb 2012 18:34] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Verified as described. Problem is same fetch works for regular client, but not for one which connects to embedded server.

In version 5.5 replace "int  num_elements = (sizeof(server_options)/ sizeof(char *));" with "int  num_elements = (sizeof(server_options)/ sizeof(char *)) - 1;"
[25 Apr 2012 19:12] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.1.63, 5.5.24, 5.6.6 changelogs.

mysql_store_result() and mysql_use_result() are not for use with
prepared statements and are not intended to be called following
mysql_stmt_execute(), but failed to return an error when invoked that
way in libmysqld.