Bug #59224 Add new 5.5 keywords to getSQLKeywords()
Submitted: 30 Dec 2010 0:11 Modified: 10 Jan 2011 13:03
Reporter: Todd Farmer (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / J Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.14 OS:Any
Assigned to: Todd Farmer CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Dec 2010 0:11] Todd Farmer
MySQL 5.5 introduced new reserved words:


Because MySQL Server does not provide a mechanism to expose reserved words, Connector/J has a hard-coded list which is used in DatabaseMetaData.getSQLKeywords().  This was last updated with the release of 5.1.16, per the comments, and requires updates for 5.5 GA release.

How to repeat:
Compare DatabaseMetaData.getSQLKeywords() to 5.5 reserved words list.

Suggested fix:
Add 5.5 reserved words.
[30 Dec 2010 0:20] Todd Farmer
Pushed in r1034.
[10 Jan 2011 13:03] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.1.15 changelog:

The hard-coded list of reserved words in Connector/J was not updated to reflect the list of reserved words in MySQL Server 5.5.