There are valid certificates that YaSSL will reject but OpenSSL will allow. I have tried both with the bundled YaSSL and also the newer 1.9.9 release and both failed.
This is a bigger problem since MySQL 4.1 used to be compiled against OpenSSL and now 5.0 uses YaSSL which causes issues with upgrading.
YaSSL running under debug gives the error:
error: ASN: bad Ojbect ID Header
Full debug trace:
T@9 : | <sslaccept
T@9 : | >ssl_do
T@9 : | | enter: ptr: 0x873b010, sd: 76 ctx: 0x873b020
T@9 : | | >vio_blocking
T@9 : | | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 1 old_mode: 0
T@9 : | | | exit: 0
T@9 : | | <vio_blocking
T@9 : | | info: ssl: 0x8cf0b10 timeout: 10
T@9 : | | error: SSL_connect/accept failure
T@9 : | | >report_errors
T@9 : | | | error: error: ASN: bad Ojbect ID Header
T@9 : | | | info: socket_errno: 0
T@9 : | | <report_errors
T@9 : | | >vio_blocking
T@9 : | | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 0 old_mode: 1
T@9 : | | | exit: 0
T@9 : | | <vio_blocking
T@9 : | <ssl_do
How to repeat:
See attached private certificates.
Start MySQL with:
Start using YaSSL MySQL and try to connect.
Start using OpenSSL linked MySQL and try to connect.
Suggested fix:
Allow YaSSL to accept the certificate.