Bug #5194 | Bulk Insert Failures with Prepared Statements | ||
Submitted: | 24 Aug 2004 23:47 | Modified: | 8 Sep 2004 19:08 |
Reporter: | Ken Gieselman | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 4.1.3-beta | OS: | Solaris (Solaris 2.9 AND Linux) |
Assigned to: | Konstantin Osipov | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[24 Aug 2004 23:47]
Ken Gieselman
[24 Aug 2004 23:48]
Ken Gieselman
Code to reproduce error conditions
Attachment: test.c (text/x-csrc), 9.69 KiB.
[24 Aug 2004 23:50]
Ken Gieselman
GDB stack trace of Linux Failure (issue #1)
Attachment: linux_trace (application/octet-stream, text), 763 bytes.
[24 Aug 2004 23:52]
Ken Gieselman
Debugger info from Solaris 9 Failure (issue #1)
Attachment: sol_trace (application/octet-stream, text), 1.15 KiB.
[31 Aug 2004 8:25]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I was able to repeat on Windows: Insert: 261 rows query: 131050b params: (data) 261000b (expected) 65250 (prep'd) 65250 Insert: 262 rows query: 131552b params: (data) 262000b (expected) 65500 (prep'd) 65500 Insert: 263 rows query: 132054b params: (data) 263000b (expected) 65750 (prep'd) 214 stmt exec failed (sets 263) [Incorrect arguments to mysql_stmt_execute] When: #define START_ROWS 16 below the call stack: bug5194.exe!_output(_iobuf * stream=0x0056ca70, const char * format=0x004a562d, char * argptr=0x0012f9d4) Line 677 + 0x1f C bug5194.exe!fprintf(_iobuf * str=0x0056ca70, const char * format=0x004a5610, ...) Line 64 + 0x11 C bug5194.exe!_checkchunk(st_irem * irem=0x00367930, const char * filename=0x004a4ea0, unsigned int lineno=192) Line 446 + 0x1d C bug5194.exe!_sanity(const char * filename=0x004a4ea0, unsigned int lineno=192) Line 490 + 0x11 C bug5194.exe!_myrealloc(char * ptr=0x003658f0, unsigned int size=12295, const char * filename=0x004a4ea0, unsigned int lineno=192, int MyFlags=16) Line 222 + 0xd C bug5194.exe!net_realloc(st_net * net=0x003653f0, unsigned long length=8505) Line 192 + 0x1f C++ bug5194.exe!my_realloc_str(st_net * net=0x003653f0, unsigned long length=4) Line 1725 + 0x10 C bug5194.exe!store_param(st_mysql_stmt * stmt=0x0036e9d8, st_mysql_bind * param=0x00ae17f0) Line 2366 + 0x11 C bug5194.exe!cli_stmt_execute(st_mysql_stmt * stmt=0x0036e9d8) Line 2451 + 0xf C bug5194.exe!mysql_stmt_execute(st_mysql_stmt * stmt=0x0036e9d8) Line 2681 + 0x10 C bug5194.exe!main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00362ca0) Line 204 + 0x9 C bug5194.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 206 + 0x19 C kernel32.dll!77e714c7() ntdll.dll!77f944a8()
[31 Aug 2004 9:35]
Hartmut Holzgraefe
regarding #2: both server and client side statement structures keep track of the number of statement parameters in 'int param_count;' (32bit), but only the lower 2 bytes are transfered without any bounds checking, leading to the observed '% 65536' truncation.
[8 Sep 2004 16:49]
Konstantin Osipov
bk commit - 4.1 tree (konstantin:1.2010) BUG#5194
[8 Sep 2004 17:05]
Konstantin Osipov
Some more comments: - issus with bus error were due to a bug with network buffer overrun in libmysql, which were fixed - 65535 limit for placeholders count is intentional, we just didn't check it explicitly and there were no error message. This was fixed too. Please test the latest development tree and provide us with your comments. Thank you for your interest in MySQL and prepared statements API.
[8 Sep 2004 19:08]
Konstantin Osipov
Fixed in 4.1.5