Bug #46947 Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a lock
Submitted: 26 Aug 2009 20:59 Modified: 14 Oct 2010 13:34
Reporter: Bob Hansen Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Locking Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1.35, 5.1.37, 5.1, next-mr bzr OS:Any
Assigned to: Dmitry Lenev CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: crash, embedded select locking for update, regression

[26 Aug 2009 20:59] Bob Hansen
I have confirmed this bug at two of our client locations. We have since coded around the bug but in any case want to let you fine people know so you can get it fixed anyway.

The problem is that the following syntax can lock a record in Table2:

SELECT * FROM Table1 where fieldValue=
(SELECT fieldValue FROM Table2 where otherValue='something');

I also need to mention that some Mac MySQL installations work and some do not. I am having the best luck re-creating the problem using a PowerPC Mac and using the latest version of MySQL Server. A bug must have been introduced in the last few months. Clients running 5.0.67 for example are NOT having problems. I am unable to get it to break using the Windows version of MySQL Server.

How to repeat:
// create tables on Mac server
// Mac server needs to be appropriate version
// Try PowerPC Mac on newest version of MySQL Server
CREATE TABLE `noname`.`ID` (

CREATE TABLE `noname`.`Citizen` (
  `Name` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,

// put one row into each table
INSERT INTO Citizen VALUES ('101','Sam');

// lock a record in table ID on computer 1

// read a record on computer 2 without a lock

On a computer exhibiting problematic behavior, a lock wait timeout will occur. This should not happen since no locking is being done by computer 2.

Suggested fix:
Somewhere in your code there is an embedded select case that is causing a lock where it shouldn't be.

SELECT from table1 (SELECT FROM table2)

I want to point out that you recently fixed an embedded SELECT (INSERT) and/or a SELECT (UPDATE) that was previously erratic. You may have broken this embedded SELECT in the process. This is the previous bug I posted:

[26 Aug 2009 21:01] Bob Hansen
ClientA server information.

Attachment: server1_noip.JPG (image/jpeg, text), 63.55 KiB.

[26 Aug 2009 21:01] Bob Hansen
ClientB server information.

Attachment: server2_noip.JPG (image/jpeg, text), 67.09 KiB.

[26 Aug 2009 21:03] Bob Hansen
I attached two files indicating server information for two clients. I can reproduce the lock wait timeout scenario with both clients using syntax similar to what was described above. Thank you.
[27 Aug 2009 6:09] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

I can not repeat described behavior. What is the value of TRANSACTION ISOLATION on server where this problem is repeatable?
[27 Aug 2009 14:16] Bob Hansen
Used the command

show variables where variable_name='tx_isolation'

The isolation level is showing up on these servers as REPEATABLE-READ. If I read the documentation correctly, that is the default isolation level for all MySQL Server installs. The Transaction Isolation level will be unchanged from the default for all of our clients. Thus all of our clients will have the same level, REPEATABLE-READ.
[27 Aug 2009 16:28] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

I still can not repeat described behavior. Please provide error log file and output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS taken in lock time.
[27 Aug 2009 19:50] Bob Hansen
I attached the error log for server1.

In the past I could use MySQL Command Prompt and even MySQL Query Browser to execute SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. Using the Query Browser on a Mac does not output using SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. What process should I use to get that output on a Mac?
[27 Aug 2009 19:54] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

In your error log version is 5.0.67 while in bug report you indicated version 5.1.37. Version 5.0.67 is old and many bugs were fixed since. Please upgrade to current version 5.0.85 and check if bug still exists in this version.

> What process should I use to get that output on a Mac?

You can use mysql command line client.
[27 Aug 2009 21:24] Bob Hansen
Error log for server1.

Attachment: server1 error log.JPG (image/jpeg, text), 113.29 KiB.

[27 Aug 2009 21:26] Bob Hansen
Error log for server1.

Attachment: distadmin.biglake.k12.mn.us.err (application/octet-stream, text), 4.07 KiB.

[27 Aug 2009 21:27] Bob Hansen
Sorry about that. I sent the wrong error log. I went into MySQL Administrator to see the correct log. I copied and pasted from there into a .err file.
[28 Aug 2009 7:16] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

Nothing new in output provided. Try to get SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. Please also indicate if you can repeat problem with test case provided or you experience this with table which has more rows.
[28 Aug 2009 14:44] Bob Hansen

Attachment: example.JPG (image/jpeg, text), 113.57 KiB.

[28 Aug 2009 14:50] Bob Hansen
The new file shows the output I get from SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. It does not give any output. The same happens if I re-create this scenario using a legitimate lock sequence, it still gives no output. If I create a legitimate lock sequence using the Windows version of Query Browser, I can use SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS and it DOES give me output.

The cannot get the Mac version of Query Browser to give me any status output. Thus, I need to know what tool I can use to give you more information. Thanks.
[28 Aug 2009 20:12] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

To get SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS you need to use mysql command line client: open Terminal, then type `mysql [connection options]`, then type query SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. See also http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysql.html

Also it looks like you issue queries from MySQL Query Browser. Please indicate how you run transaction: using query area or script tab.
[28 Aug 2009 22:16] Bob Hansen
Two files have been added.

These examples were taken from server1. I used a query tab in MySQL Query Browser to execute a 
followed by a

Then I followed your directions (thank you) for logging in via Terminal. I first obtained lock status that is given during a valid lock that times out. Then I obtained lock status that is given during the time of an embedded select lock that times out. I hope this is sufficient. Thank you.
[7 Sep 2009 8:57] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

I still can not repeat described behavior, so closing the report as "Can't repeat" for now. If you are able to provide more details how to repeat feel free to reopen the report.
[10 Sep 2009 18:40] Bob Hansen
Example Backup file.

Attachment: lock testing 20090910 1337.sql (application/octet-stream, text), 1.88 KiB.

[10 Sep 2009 18:47] Bob Hansen
Found another client the other day showing this same behavior. In all cases so far the clients with problems have had MacOS X Server Edition. That is, MySQL came pre-installed with their OS. I will attach a screenshot.
[10 Sep 2009 18:50] Bob Hansen
Another client, same issue, also MacOS X Server edition.

Attachment: server3_noip.JPG (image/jpeg, text), 123.33 KiB.

[10 Sep 2009 20:23] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

MySQL binaries bundled with MacOSX are different from ours. Please try binaries built by our build team available from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads to be sure this is not MacOSX package bug.
[10 Sep 2009 21:09] Bob Hansen
What is the process for un-installing the old version before installing the new version? Remember the old version comes pre-installed with MacOS X and is installed to a different location than the new version.
[11 Sep 2009 5:05] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

To uninstall bundled MySQL please check MacOSX manual as we don't maintain these binaries. But to test how query works with binaries from ours there is no need to uninstall anything: you can just use another port, socket, etc. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/multiple-servers.html for details See also http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en%2
[11 Sep 2009 5:06] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

To uninstall bundled MySQL please check MacOSX manual as we don't maintain these binaries. But to test how query works with binaries from ours there is no need to uninstall anything: you can just use another port, socket, etc. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/multiple-servers.html for details See also http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en%2
[11 Sep 2009 14:26] Bob Hansen
Here is the most I was able to find from Apple about having two installs of MySQL Server.

As for the bug, is there anything else I can provide to help move this along?
[11 Sep 2009 17:01] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

Regarding to this bug we should repeat it to be able to fix it. Also we should know this problem is repeatable with our binaries. This is why I asked you to try them. See also http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mac-os-x-installation.html for installation instructions on Mac OSX
[11 Sep 2009 18:08] Bob Hansen
5.1.35 and 5.1.37 do not come pre-installed on any version of MacOS X Server edition. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X_Server#Technical_Specifications

Thus, these MySQL Server installs could only have come from dev.mysql.com.
[21 Oct 2009 11:12] Michael Skulsky
This is obviously the same bug as 46759. I can easily repeat it on 5.1.39 in the way described in 46759 (note the requirement to have statement-based binlog ON and the table being innodb one). Shared locks are held on the table in subquery.
[9 Nov 2009 20:11] Bob Hansen
I got it! It's the 64 bit versions for Mac that are causing the problems.

I've got yet another client having the same locking issue. So I went into /usr/local to see what the folder name is in the MySQL installation directory. Here's what I found:

MySQL version

MacOS X Server 10.5.7 (Intel)

MacOS X Server 10.4.11 (PowerPC)

MacOS X Server 10.5.8 (Intel)

All three are the 64 bit versions of MySQL Server (for Mac). Is it possible you tested for the bug on 32 bit only? Try it again using the 64 bit version.
[30 Dec 2009 8:32] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

I tested this on 64-bit box as well without success.

Please also send us your configuration file.
[30 Dec 2009 14:39] Bob Hansen
Two configuration files have been submitted. Thanks.
[30 Dec 2009 20:58] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

Verified as described. Bug is repeatable on 32-bit box too. "Workaround" - remove option log-bin. Or convert query to join as suggested in bug #46759. Bug introduced after 5.1.32

Initial description contains typo, so real test case is:

--source include/have_innodb.inc
--source include/have_log_bin.inc

) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE `Citizen` (
  `Name` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
) ENGINE = InnoDB;
INSERT INTO Citizen VALUES ('101','Sam');

connect (addconroot, localhost, root,,);
connection addconroot;
[30 Dec 2009 21:04] Sveta Smirnova
Introduced in 5.1.33
[12 Jan 2010 18:55] MySQL Verification Team
Bug seems to be in SQL layer, as ha_innobase::store_lock() method is called with a request for TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock for the ID table involved in the nested query.

Bug happens when open_tables() function is called for nested query, which calls function read_lock_type_for_table(), which in turn changes a lock type to TL_READ_NO_INSERT. I don't think that this locked should be forced for nested queries when binary log is active.
[13 Jan 2010 20:30] MySQL Verification Team
Further comments ...

As it is explained in sql_yacc.yy, default lock type for all sub-selects is TL_READ_DEFAULT. Due to this error, a code in open_tables() converts this lock type to TL_READ_NO_INSERT, which gets converted in InnoDB's handler to shared lock !!! This is definitely wrong !!!

Hence, what should be done is that function set_lock_for_tables() should be called with normal TL_READ lock type in sql_yacc.yy and the bug will be solved. I don't think that current behaviour was intentional.
[14 Jan 2010 15:06] Andrii Nikitin
Just want to explicitly highlight that bug is repeatable on Windows as well and binlog_format="ROW" works around this problem.
[21 Jan 2010 17:07] Davi Arnaut
AFAIU, this behavior is necessary to maintain binlog serializability. The fact that it works for some cases on 5.0 is a bug. For example, in the given example a modification to table ID could be committed before the 'subselect' transaction. If this behavior is not desired, turn off the binlog or use row based replication.
[21 Jan 2010 18:57] MySQL Verification Team

What has a SELECT with nested query to do with serializability ??? This statement will not be even logged !!!

This is not about SELECT ... FOR UPDATE, but for (relatively) simple SELECT , like :

SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.id1 IN (SELECT t2.id2 FROM t2 WHERE t2.id3 = 'const');

This statement will not be bin-logged at all.

Hence, a solution is to change that line of code in sql_yacc.yy and pass the lock type depending on the type of command (or lock), so that TL_READ_DEFAULT changes to TL_READ.
[21 Jan 2010 18:59] Davi Arnaut

Whether the statement is replicated or not is not important. Think about it.
[21 Jan 2010 19:27] Konstantin Osipov
Kristofer, I think it's a regression introduced by our fix for Bug#42108. 
Pure SELECTs without FOR UPDATE clause, even if they use subqueries, should not take InnoDB row locks.
Please investigate if my guess about the regression is correct.
In that case we should perhaps consider fixing 5.0 as well.
[8 Feb 2010 13:31] Kristofer Pettersson
Kostja: It is as Davi suggests. If the binlog is activated we have a special condition executed in  read_lock_type_for_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table).

This condition is documented as:
Due to a statement-based replication limitation, statements such as
to grab a TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock on the source table in order to
prevent the replication of a concurrent statement that modifies the
source table. If such a statement gets applied on the slave before
the INSERT .. SELECT statement finishes, data on the master could
differ from data on the slave and end-up with a discrepancy between
the binary log and table state. Furthermore, this does not apply to
I_S and log tables as it's always unsafe to replicate such tables
under statement-based replication as the table on the slave might
contain other data (ie: general_log is enabled on the slave). The
statement will be marked as unsafe for SBR in decide_logging_format().

Ie, the table lock here is created because of a restriction from 
replication code.
[8 Feb 2010 13:32] Kristofer Pettersson
One can easily verify that no row lock occurs if the binlog is disabled with SET sql_log_bin=0.
[8 Feb 2010 13:48] Kristofer Pettersson
UPDATE: It is however suggested that the code in read_lock_type_for_table() is wrong.
[8 Feb 2010 16:46] MySQL Verification Team
Kristofer, my friend,

I fully understand your reasoning for changing read_lock_type... function. However, this function processes values that are already set. So, it is my humble opinion that a bug should be fixed earlier, in the very place where it originates, and it is here:

            LEX *lex=Lex;
              Set the required lock level for the tables associated with the
              current sub-select. This will overwrite previous lock options set
              using st_select_lex::add_table_to_list in any of the following
              rules: single_multi, table_wild_one, load_data, table_alias_ref,
              The default lock level is TL_READ_DEFAULT but it can be modified
              with query options specific for a certain (sub-)SELECT.

So, instead of passing on the lock_option, it can be changed slightly in a manner only to change default lock level of TL_READ_DEFAULT to TL_READ. To my knowledge, there can be other types of locks, which should not be changed.

What do you say ???
[23 Feb 2010 14:05] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3352 Kristofer Pettersson	2010-02-23
      Bug#46947 Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a lock
      A subquery attempted to take a too restrictive lock on a table
      level even though the underlying storage engine could resolve
      the lock on row level.
      The default lock option should be TL_READ and not TL_READ_DEFAULT
      as this lock option has a special meaning reserved for certain
      statements during replication.
     @ mysql-test/r/bug46947.result
        * Added test for the situation where we have bin log and
          innodb storage engine and lock a subset of records for
     @ mysql-test/t/bug39022.test
        * subquery no longer causes dead lock.
     @ mysql-test/t/bug46947.test
        * Added test for the situation where we have bin log and
          innodb storage engine and lock a subset of records for
     @ sql/sql_lex.cc
        * Default lock option should be TL_READ as TL_READ_DEFAULT has a special meaning for replicated statements.
     @ sql/sql_yacc.yy
        * Adjusted code comments to reflect reality.
[23 Feb 2010 14:58] Bob Hansen
What version will the fix be in?
[23 Feb 2010 15:04] Kristofer Pettersson
All 5.1+ versions. Note that the above patch isn't approved yet. There might be implications not considered.
[4 Mar 2010 17:29] MySQL Verification Team

Regarding the patch, I like it a lot, but I would prefer making it dependent on the command. To be more clear, your change should be valid only for SELECT's without locking options (FOR UPDATE, IN SHARE MODE).
[5 Mar 2010 10:51] Kristofer Pettersson
After a discussion with Dmitri I've finally realized what you're after. I completely agree. Will update the patch.
[18 Mar 2010 12:47] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3352 Kristofer Pettersson	2010-03-18
      Bug#46947 Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a lock
      A subquery attempted to take a too restrictive lock on a table
      level even though the underlying storage engine could resolve
      the lock on row level.
      The default lock option for subselects is TL_READ_DEFAULT to
      assure that statements which might change data are replicated
      correctly. For SELECT-statements which don't take any shared
      or exclusive locks the lock option can be set to TL_READ.
     @ mysql-test/r/bug46947.result
        * Added test for the situation where we have binlog and
          innodb storage engine and lock a subset of records for
     @ mysql-test/t/bug39022.test
        * subquery no longer causes ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK error.
     @ mysql-test/t/bug46947.test
        * Added test for the situation where we have binlog and
          innodb storage engine and lock a subset of records for
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        * Added a rule for rewriting lock option from TL_READ_DEFAULT to TL_READ if the statement is a SELECT with no shared or exclusive lock options. The default value for LEX::lock_option after a lex_start() is TL_READ and it is modified only if an explicit lock option is added to the SELECT statement. For sub-selects the lock option reside in st_select_lex and the default value is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
     @ sql/sql_yacc.yy
        * Adjusted code comments to reflect reality.
[1 Apr 2010 18:45] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2999 Dmitry Lenev	2010-04-01
      Tentative fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT without FOR
      UPDATE is causing a lock".
      SELECT statements with subqueries referencing InnoDB tables
      were acquiring shared locks on rows in these tables when they
      were executed in REPEATABLE-READ mode and with statement or
      mixed mode binary logging turned on.
      This was a regression which were introduced when fixing
      bug 39843.
      The problem was that for tables belonging to subqueries
      parser set TL_READ_DEFAULT as a lock type. In cases when
      statement/mixed binary logging at open_tables() time this
      type of lock was converted to TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock at
      open_tables() time and caused InnoDB engine to acquire
      shared locks on reads from these tables. Although in some
      cases such behavior was correct (e.g. for subqueries in
      DELETE) in case of SELECT it has caused unnecessary locking.
      This patch tries to solve this problem by rethinking our
      approach to how we handle locking for SELECT and subqueries.
      Now we always set TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for all cases
      when we read data. When at open_tables() time this lock
      is interpreted as TL_READ_NO_INSERT or TL_READ depending
      on whether this statement as a whole or call to function
      which uses particular table should be written to the
      binary log or not (if yes then statement should be properly
      serialized with concurrent statements and stronger lock
      should be acquired).
      Test coverage is added for both InnoDB and MyISAM.
      Questions for reviewer are marked by QQ.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table allows concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check that statement
        reading table doesn't allow concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table doesn't take locks on its rows.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table takes shared locks on some of its rows.
     @ mysql-test/r/bug39022.result
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql_lock2.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/r/lock_sync.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ mysql-test/t/bug39022.test
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql_lock2.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/t/lock_sync.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ sql/log_event.cc
        Adjusted condition used for determining that Load_log_event
        correponds to LOAD DATA CONCURRENT statement after removing
        LEX::lock_option member.
     @ sql/mysql_priv.h
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointer to
        TABLE_LIST as its second argument since it needs to know
        whether table element for which lock type to be determined
        belongs to prelocking list.
     @ sql/sp_head.cc
          Before parsing substatement reset part of parser state
          which needs this (e.g. set Yacc_state::m_lock_type to
          default value).
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        Changed read_lock_type_for_table() to return a weak TL_READ
        type of lock in cases when we are executing statement which
        won't update tables directly and table doesn't belong to
        statement's prelocking list and thus can't be used by a
        stored function. It is OK to do so since in this case table
        won't be used by statement or function call which will be
        written to the binary log, so serializability requirements
        for it can be relaxed.
        One of results from this change is that SELECTs on InnoDB
        tables no longer takes shared row locks for tables which
        are used in subqueries (i.e. bug #46947 is fixed).
        Another result is that for similar SELECTs on MyISAM tables
        concurrent inserts are allowed.
     @ sql/sql_lex.cc
        Removed LEX::lock_option and st_select_lex::lock_option
        members. Places in parser that were using them now use
        Yacc_state::m_lock_type instead.
     @ sql/sql_lex.h
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
     @ sql/sql_parse.cc
        LEX::lock_option was replaced with Yacc_state::m_lock_type.
        And instead of resetting the latter implicitly in
        mysql_init_multi_delete() we do it explicitly in the
        places in parser which call this function.
     @ sql/sql_select.cc
        Changed code not to rely on LEX::lock_option to determine
        that it is high-priority SELECT. It was replaced with
        Yacc_state::m_lock_type which is accessible only at
        parse time.
     @ sql/sql_update.cc
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointer to
        TABLE_LIST as its second argument since it needs to know
        whether table element for which lock type to be determined
        belongs to prelocking list.
     @ sql/sql_yacc.yy
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
[5 Apr 2010 18:35] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2999 Dmitry Lenev	2010-04-05
      Fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
      causing a lock".
      SELECT statements with subqueries referencing InnoDB tables
      were acquiring shared locks on rows in these tables when they
      were executed in REPEATABLE-READ mode and with statement or
      mixed mode binary logging turned on.
      This was a regression which were introduced when fixing
      bug 39843.
      The problem was that for tables belonging to subqueries
      parser set TL_READ_DEFAULT as a lock type. In cases when
      statement/mixed binary logging at open_tables() time this
      type of lock was converted to TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock at
      open_tables() time and caused InnoDB engine to acquire
      shared locks on reads from these tables. Although in some
      cases such behavior was correct (e.g. for subqueries in
      DELETE) in case of SELECT it has caused unnecessary locking.
      This patch tries to solve this problem by rethinking our
      approach to how we handle locking for SELECT and subqueries.
      Now we always set TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for all cases
      when we read data. When at open_tables() time this lock
      is interpreted as TL_READ_NO_INSERT or TL_READ depending
      on whether this statement as a whole or call to function
      which uses particular table should be written to the
      binary log or not (if yes then statement should be properly
      serialized with concurrent statements and stronger lock
      should be acquired).
      Test coverage is added for both InnoDB and MyISAM.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table allows concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check that statement
        reading table doesn't allow concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table doesn't take locks on its rows.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table takes shared locks on some of its rows.
     @ mysql-test/r/bug39022.result
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql_lock2.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/r/lock_sync.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ mysql-test/t/bug39022.test
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql_lock2.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/t/lock_sync.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ sql/log_event.cc
        Since LEX::lock_option member was removed we no longer can
        rely on its value in Load_log_event::print_query() to
        determine that log event correponds to LOAD DATA CONCURRENT
        statement (this was not correct in all situations anyway).
        A new Load_log_event's member was introduced as a replacement.
        It is initialized at event object construction time and
        explicitly indicates whether LOAD DATA was concurrent.
     @ sql/log_event.h
        Since LEX::lock_option member was removed we no longer can
        rely on its value in Load_log_event::print_query() to
        determine that log event correponds to LOAD DATA CONCURRENT
        statement (this was not correct in all situations anyway).
        A new Load_log_event's member was introduced as a replacement.
        It is initialized at event object construction time and
        explicitly indicates whether LOAD DATA was concurrent.
     @ sql/mysql_priv.h
        - To be able more easily distinguish high-priority SELECTs
          in st_select_lex::print() method added flag for
          HIGH_PRIORITY option.
        - Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers
          to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST elements as its
          arguments since to correctly determine lock type it needs
          to know what statement is being performed and whether table
          element for which lock type to be determined belongs to
          prelocking list.
     @ sql/sp_head.cc
          Before parsing substatement reset part of parser state
          which needs this (e.g. set Yacc_state::m_lock_type to
          default value).
     @ sql/sql_acl.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed (for example, when we are logging
        statement to the binary log while having Query_tables_list
        reset and backed up).
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        Changed read_lock_type_for_table() to return a weak TL_READ
        type of lock in cases when we are executing statement which
        won't update tables directly and table doesn't belong to
        statement's prelocking list and thus can't be used by a
        stored function. It is OK to do so since in this case table
        won't be used by statement or function call which will be
        written to the binary log, so serializability requirements
        for it can be relaxed.
        One of results from this change is that SELECTs on InnoDB
        tables no longer takes shared row locks for tables which
        are used in subqueries (i.e. bug #46947 is fixed).
        Another result is that for similar SELECTs on MyISAM tables
        concurrent inserts are allowed.
        In order to implement this change signature of
        read_lock_type_for_table() function was changed to take
        pointers to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST objects.
     @ sql/sql_lex.cc
        - Removed LEX::lock_option and st_select_lex::lock_option
          members. Places in parser that were using them now use
          Yacc_state::m_lock_type instead.
        - To emphasize that LEX::sql_command member is used during
          process of opening and locking of tables it was moved to
          Query_tables_list class. It is now reset by
          Query_tables_list::reset_query_tables_list() method.
     @ sql/sql_lex.h
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - To emphasize that LEX::sql_command member is used during
          process of opening and locking of tables it was moved to
          Query_tables_list class.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
     @ sql/sql_load.cc
        Load_log_event constructor now requires a parameter that
        indicates whether LOAD DATA is concurrent.
     @ sql/sql_parse.cc
        LEX::lock_option was replaced with Yacc_state::m_lock_type.
        And instead of resetting the latter implicitly in
        mysql_init_multi_delete() we do it explicitly in the
        places in parser which call this function.
     @ sql/sql_select.cc
        Changed code not to rely on LEX::lock_option to determine
        that it is high-priority SELECT. It was replaced with
        Yacc_state::m_lock_type which is accessible only at
        parse time. So instead of LEX::lock_option we now rely
        on a newly introduced flag for st_select_lex::options -
     @ sql/sql_show.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed.
     @ sql/sql_table.cc
        Since LEX::reset_query_tables_list() now also resets
        LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore value of this
        member when this method is called by mysql_admin_table(),
        to make this code safe for re-execution.
     @ sql/sql_trigger.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed (for example, when we are logging
        statement to the binary log while having Query_tables_list
        reset and backed up).
     @ sql/sql_update.cc
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers
        to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST elements as its
        arguments since to correctly determine lock type it needs
        to know what statement is being performed and whether table
        element for which lock type to be determined belongs to
        prelocking list.
     @ sql/sql_yacc.yy
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
        - To be able more easily distinguish high-priority SELECTs
          in st_select_lex::print() method we now use new flag
          in st_select_lex::options bit-field.
[8 Apr 2010 15:12] Jason Hill
I manually merged commit 105034 into 5.1 GA and can confirm bug 46947 is fixed.
However, the patch introduces another problem, test case below using mysql client.
The same happens with our Cobol application via unixODBC and Connector/ODBC.

In case it is relevant, we are using:
transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1

The server is 64-bit Linux.

5.1 GA manually merged with commit 105034:

Session 1
  COL1 CHAR(31),
  COL2 INT(2),


        (SELECT MIN(COL1)
           FROM TABLE1
          WHERE COL1
           LIKE 'FRED%'
            AND COL2 = 0
   AND COL2=0
| COL1  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Session 2

        (SELECT MIN(COL1)
           FROM TABLE1
          WHERE COL1
           LIKE 'FRED%'
            AND COL2 = 0
   AND COL2=0
<hangs as expected due to row locked>

Session 1

Session 2
Empty set (17.00 sec)

This is the wrong result.

5.1 GA:

Before applying the patch the correct result returned in session 2:
| COL1  |
1 row in set (3.26 sec)
[9 Apr 2010 7:36] Dmitry Lenev
Hello Jason!

Great catch! Thank you for pointing out this problem!
I will work on a new version of the patch.

(BTW I should note that problem you have reported also affects 5.1 without my patch in cases when server is running with binary logging turned off).
[16 Apr 2010 13:45] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3000 Dmitry Lenev	2010-04-16
      A follow-up for the fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT
      without FOR UPDATE is causing a lock".
      This patch tries to address regression introduced by the
      main patch for this bug. After applying patch SELECT ...
      FOR UPDATE statements which used subquery referencing to
      the table which was already used in the main select
      started to return inconsistent results (in REPEATABLE READ
      What happened was that for reading data for subquery was
      used snapshot isolation and thus version of table which
      corresponded to the start of transaction while for the
      main select locking reads were used which accessed most
      up-to-date version of table.
      Such a change was caused by the fact that the main patch
      changed type of lock for tables used in subqueries in
      all SELECT statements (inluding those that have locking
      clause) to TL_READ. InnoDB interpreted this as indication
      that for this instance of table snapshot isolation can
      be used. Before the patch TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock type was
      used for such subqueries and thus InnoDB performed locking
      reads which have seen version of table consistent with
      one seen by the main select (though this has happened only
      when STATEMENT/MIXED binary logging was on).
      This follow-up patch tries to address this problem by
      ensuring that for subqueries in SELECT ... FOR UPDATE/
      LOCK IN SHARE MODE we acquire the same locks which are
      acquired for subqueries in UPDATE statement.
      As usual, questions for reviewer are marked by QQ mark.
      QQ: Is this a correct approach? May be we should only
          address issue with different visibility for different
          instances of the same table?
      QQ: It is also not very clear how we should interpret locking
          clauses in subqueries (apparently, such syntax is legal
          and is even useful in some situations in MySQL)...
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql_lock2.result
        Extended coverage to check how we handle locking in cases
        when InnoDB table is used in subquery in SELECT ... FOR
        UPDATE/LOCK IN SHARE MODE statements.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql_lock2.test
        Extended coverage to check how we handle locking in cases
        when InnoDB table is used in subquery in SELECT ... FOR
        UPDATE/LOCK IN SHARE MODE statements.
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        statements take the same locks for tables used in
        subqueries as UPDATE statement.
     @ sql/sql_lex.cc
        Introduced Query_tables_list::is_select_with_locking member
        which indicates that this statement is a SELECT with a
        locking clause.
     @ sql/sql_lex.h
        Introduced Query_tables_list::is_select_with_locking member
        which indicates that this statement is a SELECT with a
        locking clause. We use this member to determine what type
        of read lock should be acquired for tables which are used
        in its subqueries.
     @ sql/sql_yacc.yy
        Mark SELECTs with locking clause as such to be able to
        differentiate them from ordinary SELECTs. We need this to
        be able to take stronger locks on subqueries used in such
        SELECTs in order to mimic locking behavior of UPDATE.
[27 Apr 2010 12:38] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3008 Konstantin Osipov	2010-04-27
      Committing on behalf or Dmitry Lenev:
      Fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
      causing a lock", with after-review fixes.
      SELECT statements with subqueries referencing InnoDB tables
      were acquiring shared locks on rows in these tables when they
      were executed in REPEATABLE-READ mode and with statement or
      mixed mode binary logging turned on.
      This was a regression which were introduced when fixing
      bug 39843.
      The problem was that for tables belonging to subqueries
      parser set TL_READ_DEFAULT as a lock type. In cases when
      statement/mixed binary logging at open_tables() time this
      type of lock was converted to TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock at
      open_tables() time and caused InnoDB engine to acquire
      shared locks on reads from these tables. Although in some
      cases such behavior was correct (e.g. for subqueries in
      DELETE) in case of SELECT it has caused unnecessary locking.
      This patch tries to solve this problem by rethinking our
      approach to how we handle locking for SELECT and subqueries.
      Now we always set TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for all cases
      when we read data. When at open_tables() time this lock
      is interpreted as TL_READ_NO_INSERT or TL_READ depending
      on whether this statement as a whole or call to function
      which uses particular table should be written to the
      binary log or not (if yes then statement should be properly
      serialized with concurrent statements and stronger lock
      should be acquired).
      Test coverage is added for both InnoDB and MyISAM.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table allows concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check that statement
        reading table doesn't allow concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table doesn't take locks on its rows.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table takes shared locks on some of its rows.
     @ mysql-test/r/bug39022.result
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql_lock2.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/r/lock_sync.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ mysql-test/t/bug39022.test
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql_lock2.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/t/lock_sync.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ sql/log_event.cc
        Since LEX::lock_option member was removed we no longer can
        rely on its value in Load_log_event::print_query() to
        determine that log event correponds to LOAD DATA CONCURRENT
        statement (this was not correct in all situations anyway).
        A new Load_log_event's member was introduced as a replacement.
        It is initialized at event object construction time and
        explicitly indicates whether LOAD DATA was concurrent.
     @ sql/log_event.h
        Since LEX::lock_option member was removed we no longer can
        rely on its value in Load_log_event::print_query() to
        determine that log event correponds to LOAD DATA CONCURRENT
        statement (this was not correct in all situations anyway).
        A new Load_log_event's member was introduced as a replacement.
        It is initialized at event object construction time and
        explicitly indicates whether LOAD DATA was concurrent.
     @ sql/sp_head.cc
          Before parsing substatement reset part of parser state
          which needs this (e.g. set Yacc_state::m_lock_type to
          default value).
     @ sql/sql_acl.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed (for example, when we are logging
        statement to the binary log while having Query_tables_list
        reset and backed up).
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        Changed read_lock_type_for_table() to return a weak TL_READ
        type of lock in cases when we are executing statement which
        won't update tables directly and table doesn't belong to
        statement's prelocking list and thus can't be used by a
        stored function. It is OK to do so since in this case table
        won't be used by statement or function call which will be
        written to the binary log, so serializability requirements
        for it can be relaxed.
        One of results from this change is that SELECTs on InnoDB
        tables no longer takes shared row locks for tables which
        are used in subqueries (i.e. bug #46947 is fixed).
        Another result is that for similar SELECTs on MyISAM tables
        concurrent inserts are allowed.
        In order to implement this change signature of
        read_lock_type_for_table() function was changed to take
        pointers to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST objects.
     @ sql/sql_base.h
        - Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers
          to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST elements as its
          arguments since to correctly determine lock type it needs
          to know what statement is being performed and whether table
          element for which lock type to be determined belongs to
          prelocking list.
     @ sql/sql_lex.cc
        - Removed LEX::lock_option and st_select_lex::lock_option
          members. Places in parser that were using them now use
          Yacc_state::m_lock_type instead.
        - To emphasize that LEX::sql_command member is used during
          process of opening and locking of tables it was moved to
          Query_tables_list class. It is now reset by
          Query_tables_list::reset_query_tables_list() method.
     @ sql/sql_lex.h
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - To emphasize that LEX::sql_command member is used during
          process of opening and locking of tables it was moved to
          Query_tables_list class.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
     @ sql/sql_load.cc
        Load_log_event constructor now requires a parameter that
        indicates whether LOAD DATA is concurrent.
     @ sql/sql_parse.cc
        LEX::lock_option was replaced with Yacc_state::m_lock_type.
        And instead of resetting the latter implicitly in
        mysql_init_multi_delete() we do it explicitly in the
        places in parser which call this function.
     @ sql/sql_priv.h
        - To be able more easily distinguish high-priority SELECTs
          in st_select_lex::print() method added flag for
          HIGH_PRIORITY option.
     @ sql/sql_select.cc
        Changed code not to rely on LEX::lock_option to determine
        that it is high-priority SELECT. It was replaced with
        Yacc_state::m_lock_type which is accessible only at
        parse time. So instead of LEX::lock_option we now rely
        on a newly introduced flag for st_select_lex::options -
     @ sql/sql_show.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed.
     @ sql/sql_table.cc
        Since LEX::reset_query_tables_list() now also resets
        LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore value of this
        member when this method is called by mysql_admin_table(),
        to make this code safe for re-execution.
     @ sql/sql_trigger.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed (for example, when we are logging
        statement to the binary log while having Query_tables_list
        reset and backed up).
     @ sql/sql_update.cc
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers
        to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST elements as its
        arguments since to correctly determine lock type it needs
        to know what statement is being performed and whether table
        element for which lock type to be determined belongs to
        prelocking list.
     @ sql/sql_yacc.yy
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
        - To be able more easily distinguish high-priority SELECTs
          in st_select_lex::print() method we now use new flag
          in st_select_lex::options bit-field.
[27 Apr 2010 20:49] Konstantin Osipov
I'm not sure we should push the follow up patch that fixes your remaining issue.
The reason that you get the "wrong" result with the patch is that after Dmitry's fix we no longer use "locking" reads inside a subquery, but rather use a snapshot read.

If you would like to use a locking read inside a subquery as well, MySQL supports that by an explicit LOCK IN SHARE MODE/FOR UPDATE clause, which you can specify for each individual subquery.

Do you find this solution logical? Could you please try it with Dmitry's patch? 
Note, that it works universally in all versions of MySQL where we support subqueries, whereas the behaviour you expect from MySQL 5.1 flipped back and forth in its life time, due to various "bug fixes" in the area.

Your thoughts and the experimenting on the subject matter are warmly welcome,
[28 Apr 2010 10:04] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3008 Konstantin Osipov	2010-04-28
      Committing on behalf or Dmitry Lenev:
      Fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
      causing a lock", with after-review fixes.
      SELECT statements with subqueries referencing InnoDB tables
      were acquiring shared locks on rows in these tables when they
      were executed in REPEATABLE-READ mode and with statement or
      mixed mode binary logging turned on.
      This was a regression which were introduced when fixing
      bug 39843.
      The problem was that for tables belonging to subqueries
      parser set TL_READ_DEFAULT as a lock type. In cases when
      statement/mixed binary logging at open_tables() time this
      type of lock was converted to TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock at
      open_tables() time and caused InnoDB engine to acquire
      shared locks on reads from these tables. Although in some
      cases such behavior was correct (e.g. for subqueries in
      DELETE) in case of SELECT it has caused unnecessary locking.
      This patch tries to solve this problem by rethinking our
      approach to how we handle locking for SELECT and subqueries.
      Now we always set TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for all cases
      when we read data. When at open_tables() time this lock
      is interpreted as TL_READ_NO_INSERT or TL_READ depending
      on whether this statement as a whole or call to function
      which uses particular table should be written to the
      binary log or not (if yes then statement should be properly
      serialized with concurrent statements and stronger lock
      should be acquired).
      Test coverage is added for both InnoDB and MyISAM.
      This patch introduces an "incompatible" change in locking
      scheme for subqueries used in SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and
      In 4.1 the server would use a snapshot InnoDB read for 
      subqueries in SELECT FOR UPDATE and SELECT .. IN SHARE MODE
      statements, regardless of whether the binary log is on or off.
      If the user required a different type of read (i.e. locking read),
      he/she could request so explicitly by providing FOR UPDATE/IN SHARE MODE
      clause for each individual subquery.
      On of the patches for 5.0 broke this behaviour (which was not documented
      or tested), and started to use locking reads fora all subqueries in SELECT ... 
      FOR UPDATE/IN SHARE MODE. This patch restored 4.1 behaviour.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table allows concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check that statement
        reading table doesn't allow concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table doesn't take locks on its rows.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table takes shared locks on some of its rows.
     @ mysql-test/r/bug39022.result
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql_lock2.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/r/lock_sync.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ mysql-test/t/bug39022.test
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql_lock2.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/t/lock_sync.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ sql/log_event.cc
        Since LEX::lock_option member was removed we no longer can
        rely on its value in Load_log_event::print_query() to
        determine that log event correponds to LOAD DATA CONCURRENT
        statement (this was not correct in all situations anyway).
        A new Load_log_event's member was introduced as a replacement.
        It is initialized at event object construction time and
        explicitly indicates whether LOAD DATA was concurrent.
     @ sql/log_event.h
        Since LEX::lock_option member was removed we no longer can
        rely on its value in Load_log_event::print_query() to
        determine that log event correponds to LOAD DATA CONCURRENT
        statement (this was not correct in all situations anyway).
        A new Load_log_event's member was introduced as a replacement.
        It is initialized at event object construction time and
        explicitly indicates whether LOAD DATA was concurrent.
     @ sql/sp_head.cc
          Before parsing substatement reset part of parser state
          which needs this (e.g. set Yacc_state::m_lock_type to
          default value).
     @ sql/sql_acl.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed (for example, when we are logging
        statement to the binary log while having Query_tables_list
        reset and backed up).
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        Changed read_lock_type_for_table() to return a weak TL_READ
        type of lock in cases when we are executing statement which
        won't update tables directly and table doesn't belong to
        statement's prelocking list and thus can't be used by a
        stored function. It is OK to do so since in this case table
        won't be used by statement or function call which will be
        written to the binary log, so serializability requirements
        for it can be relaxed.
        One of results from this change is that SELECTs on InnoDB
        tables no longer takes shared row locks for tables which
        are used in subqueries (i.e. bug #46947 is fixed).
        Another result is that for similar SELECTs on MyISAM tables
        concurrent inserts are allowed.
        In order to implement this change signature of
        read_lock_type_for_table() function was changed to take
        pointers to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST objects.
     @ sql/sql_base.h
        - Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers
          to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST elements as its
          arguments since to correctly determine lock type it needs
          to know what statement is being performed and whether table
          element for which lock type to be determined belongs to
          prelocking list.
     @ sql/sql_lex.cc
        - Removed LEX::lock_option and st_select_lex::lock_option
          members. Places in parser that were using them now use
          Yacc_state::m_lock_type instead.
        - To emphasize that LEX::sql_command member is used during
          process of opening and locking of tables it was moved to
          Query_tables_list class. It is now reset by
          Query_tables_list::reset_query_tables_list() method.
     @ sql/sql_lex.h
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - To emphasize that LEX::sql_command member is used during
          process of opening and locking of tables it was moved to
          Query_tables_list class.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
     @ sql/sql_load.cc
        Load_log_event constructor now requires a parameter that
        indicates whether LOAD DATA is concurrent.
     @ sql/sql_parse.cc
        LEX::lock_option was replaced with Yacc_state::m_lock_type.
        And instead of resetting the latter implicitly in
        mysql_init_multi_delete() we do it explicitly in the
        places in parser which call this function.
     @ sql/sql_priv.h
        - To be able more easily distinguish high-priority SELECTs
          in st_select_lex::print() method added flag for
          HIGH_PRIORITY option.
     @ sql/sql_select.cc
        Changed code not to rely on LEX::lock_option to determine
        that it is high-priority SELECT. It was replaced with
        Yacc_state::m_lock_type which is accessible only at
        parse time. So instead of LEX::lock_option we now rely
        on a newly introduced flag for st_select_lex::options -
     @ sql/sql_show.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed.
     @ sql/sql_table.cc
        Since LEX::reset_query_tables_list() now also resets
        LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore value of this
        member when this method is called by mysql_admin_table(),
        to make this code safe for re-execution.
     @ sql/sql_trigger.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed (for example, when we are logging
        statement to the binary log while having Query_tables_list
        reset and backed up).
     @ sql/sql_update.cc
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers
        to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST elements as its
        arguments since to correctly determine lock type it needs
        to know what statement is being performed and whether table
        element for which lock type to be determined belongs to
        prelocking list.
     @ sql/sql_yacc.yy
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
        - To be able more easily distinguish high-priority SELECTs
          in st_select_lex::print() method we now use new flag
          in st_select_lex::options bit-field.
[28 Apr 2010 10:10] Konstantin Osipov
The first patch among the two was queued in trunk-runtime (5.5.5).
It will be manually ported to a 5.1 tree.
[28 Apr 2010 13:44] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3009 Konstantin Osipov	2010-04-28
      Bug#46947 "Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a lock"
      Update the result file to minor tweaks of the comments in the
      test case.
[6 May 2010 6:44] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3367 Dmitry Lenev	2010-05-06
      Backport of fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT without FOR
      UPDATE is causing a lock" from 5.5 tree.
      SELECT statements with subqueries referencing InnoDB tables
      were acquiring shared locks on rows in these tables when they
      were executed in REPEATABLE-READ mode and with statement or
      mixed mode binary logging turned on.
      This was a regression which were introduced when fixing
      bug 39843.
      The problem was that for tables belonging to subqueries
      parser set TL_READ_DEFAULT as a lock type. In cases when
      statement/mixed binary logging at open_tables() time this
      type of lock was converted to TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock at
      open_tables() time and caused InnoDB engine to acquire
      shared locks on reads from these tables. Although in some
      cases such behavior was correct (e.g. for subqueries in
      DELETE) in case of SELECT it has caused unnecessary locking.
      This patch tries to solve this problem by rethinking our
      approach to how we handle locking for SELECT and subqueries.
      Now we always set TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for all cases
      when we read data. When at open_tables() time this lock
      is interpreted as TL_READ_NO_INSERT or TL_READ depending
      on whether this statement as a whole or call to function
      which uses particular table should be written to the
      binary log or not (if yes then statement should be properly
      serialized with concurrent statements and stronger lock
      should be acquired).
      Test coverage is added for both InnoDB and MyISAM.
      This patch introduces an "incompatible" change in locking
      scheme for subqueries used in SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and
      In 4.1 the server would use a snapshot InnoDB read for
      subqueries in SELECT FOR UPDATE and SELECT .. IN SHARE MODE
      statements, regardless of whether the binary log is on or off.
      If the user required a different type of read (i.e. locking read),
      he/she could request so explicitly by providing FOR UPDATE/IN SHARE MODE
      clause for each individual subquery.
      On of the patches for 5.0 broke this behaviour (which was not documented
      or tested), and started to use locking reads for all subqueries in SELECT ...
      FOR UPDATE/IN SHARE MODE. This patch restores 4.1 behaviour.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table allows concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check that statement
        reading table doesn't allow concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table doesn't take locks on its rows.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table takes shared locks on some of its rows.
     @ mysql-test/r/bug39022.result
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql_lock2.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/r/lock_sync.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ mysql-test/t/bug39022.test
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql_lock2.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/t/lock_sync.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ sql/log_event.cc
        Since LEX::lock_option member was removed we no longer can
        rely on its value in Load_log_event::print_query() to
        determine that log event correponds to LOAD DATA CONCURRENT
        statement (this was not correct in all situations anyway).
        A new Load_log_event's member was introduced as a replacement.
        It is initialized at event object construction time and
        explicitly indicates whether LOAD DATA was concurrent.
     @ sql/log_event.h
        Since LEX::lock_option member was removed we no longer can
        rely on its value in Load_log_event::print_query() to
        determine that log event correponds to LOAD DATA CONCURRENT
        statement (this was not correct in all situations anyway).
        A new Load_log_event's member was introduced as a replacement.
        It is initialized at event object construction time and
        explicitly indicates whether LOAD DATA was concurrent.
     @ sql/mysql_priv.h
        - To be able more easily distinguish high-priority SELECTs
          in st_select_lex::print() method added flag for
          HIGH_PRIORITY option.
        - Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers
          to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST elements as its
          arguments since to correctly determine lock type it needs
          to know what statement is being performed and whether table
          element for which lock type to be determined belongs to
          prelocking list.
     @ sql/sp_head.cc
          Before parsing substatement reset part of parser state
          which needs this (e.g. set Yacc_state::m_lock_type to
          default value).
     @ sql/sql_acl.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed (for example, when we are logging
        statement to the binary log while having Query_tables_list
        reset and backed up).
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        - Changed read_lock_type_for_table() to return a weak TL_READ
          type of lock in cases when we are executing statement which
          won't update tables directly and table doesn't belong to
          statement's prelocking list and thus can't be used by a
          stored function. It is OK to do so since in this case table
          won't be used by statement or function call which will be
          written to the binary log, so serializability requirements
          for it can be relaxed.
          One of results from this change is that SELECTs on InnoDB
          tables no longer takes shared row locks for tables which
          are used in subqueries (i.e. bug #46947 is fixed).
          Another result is that for similar SELECTs on MyISAM tables
          concurrent inserts are allowed.
          In order to implement this change signature of
          read_lock_type_for_table() function was changed to take
          pointers to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST objects.
        - Since we no longer set TL_READ as lock type for tables used 
          in simple SELECT right in the parser, in order to preserve 
          behavior for such statements on InnoDB tables when in 
          LOCK TABLES mode with @innodb_table_locks = 0, 
          check_lock_and_start_stmt() had to be changed to convert
          TL_READ_DEFAULT to an appropriate type of read lock before
          passing it to handle::start_stmt() method. 
          We do similar thing for TL_WRITE_DEFAULT as this lock type 
          is also supposed to be parser-only type.
          As consequence read_lock_type_for_table() function had to
          be adjusted to behave properly when called from
          check_lock_and_start_stmt() in prelocked mode.
     @ sql/sql_lex.cc
        - Removed LEX::lock_option and st_select_lex::lock_option
          members. Places in parser that were using them now use
          Yacc_state::m_lock_type instead.
        - To emphasize that LEX::sql_command member is used during
          process of opening and locking of tables it was moved to
          Query_tables_list class. It is now reset by
          Query_tables_list::reset_query_tables_list() method.
     @ sql/sql_lex.h
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - To emphasize that LEX::sql_command member is used during
          process of opening and locking of tables it was moved to
          Query_tables_list class.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
     @ sql/sql_load.cc
        Load_log_event constructor now requires a parameter that
        indicates whether LOAD DATA is concurrent.
     @ sql/sql_parse.cc
        LEX::lock_option was replaced with Yacc_state::m_lock_type.
        And instead of resetting the latter implicitly in
        mysql_init_multi_delete() we do it explicitly in the
        places in parser which call this function.
     @ sql/sql_select.cc
        Changed code not to rely on LEX::lock_option to determine
        that it is high-priority SELECT. It was replaced with
        Yacc_state::m_lock_type which is accessible only at
        parse time. So instead of LEX::lock_option we now rely
        on a newly introduced flag for st_select_lex::options -
     @ sql/sql_show.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed.
     @ sql/sql_table.cc
        Since LEX::reset_query_tables_list() now also resets
        LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore value of this
        member when this method is called by mysql_admin_table(),
        to make this code safe for re-execution.
     @ sql/sql_trigger.cc
        Since LEX::reset_n_backup_query_tables_list() now also
        resets LEX::sql_command member (as it became part of
        Query_tables_list class) we have to restore it in cases
        when while working with proxy Query_table_list we assume
        that LEX::sql_command still corresponds to original SQL
        command being executed (for example, when we are logging
        statement to the binary log while having Query_tables_list
        reset and backed up).
     @ sql/sql_update.cc
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers
        to Query_tables_list and TABLE_LIST elements as its
        arguments since to correctly determine lock type it needs
        to know what statement is being performed and whether table
        element for which lock type to be determined belongs to
        prelocking list.
     @ sql/sql_yacc.yy
        - Removed st_select_lex::lock_option member as there is no
          real need for per-SELECT lock type (HIGH_PRIORITY option
          should apply to the whole statement. FOR UPDATE/LOCK IN
          SHARE MODE clauses can be handled without this member).
          The main effect which was achieved by introduction of this
          member, i.e. using TL_READ_DEFAULT lock type for
          subqueries, is now achieved by setting LEX::lock_option
          (or rather its replacement - Yacc_state::m_lock_type) to
          TL_READ_DEFAULT in almost all cases.
        - Replaced LEX::lock_option with Yacc_state::m_lock_type
          in order to emphasize that this value is relevant only
          during parsing. Unlike for LEX::lock_option the default
          value for Yacc_state::m_lock_type is TL_READ_DEFAULT.
          Note that for cases when it is OK to take a "weak" read
          lock (e.g. simple SELECT) this lock type will be converted
          to TL_READ at open_tables() time. So this change won't
          cause negative change in behavior for such statements.
          OTOH this change ensures that, for example, for SELECTs
          which are used in stored functions TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock
          is taken when necessary and as result calls to such stored
          functions can be written to the binary log with correct
        - To be able more easily distinguish high-priority SELECTs
          in st_select_lex::print() method we now use new flag
          in st_select_lex::options bit-field.
[7 May 2010 10:33] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3010 Dmitry Lenev	2010-05-07
      Follow-up for the fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT without 
      FOR UPDATE is causing a lock".
      This patch tries to address problems which were exposed 
      during backporting of original patch to 5.1 tree.
      - It ensures that we don't change locking behavior of simple
        SELECT statements on InnoDB tables when they are executed
        under LOCK TABLES ... READ and with @@innodb_table_locks=0.
        Also we no longer pass TL_READ_DEFAULT/TL_WRITE_DEFAULT 
        lock types, which are supposed to be parser-only, to 
        handler::start_stmt() method.
      - It makes check_/no_concurrent_insert.inc auxiliary scripts 
        more robust against changes in test cases that use them
        and also ensures that they don't unnecessarily change 
        environment of caller.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Reset DEBUG_SYNC facility before and after using it in
        auxiliary script. This makes this script more robust against
        changes in test cases calling it. It also ensures that script
        does not unnecessarily change environment of caller.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Reset DEBUG_SYNC facility before and after using it in
        auxiliary script. This makes this script more robust against
        changes in test cases calling it. It also ensures that script
        does not unnecessarily change environment of caller.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb-lock.result
        Added coverage for LOCK TABLES ... READ behavior in
        @@innodb_table_locks = 0 mode. This test also checks
        that an appropriate type of lock is passed to
        handler::start_stmt() method.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb-lock.test
        Added coverage for LOCK TABLES ... READ behavior in
        @@innodb_table_locks = 0 mode. This test also checks
        that an appropriate type of lock is passed to
        handler::start_stmt() method.
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        Since we no longer set TL_READ as lock type for tables used  
        in simple SELECT right in the parser, in order to preserve  
        behavior for such statements on InnoDB tables when in  
        LOCK TABLES mode with @innodb_table_locks = 0,  
        check_lock_and_start_stmt() had to be changed to convert  
        TL_READ_DEFAULT to an appropriate type of read lock before  
        passing it to handler::start_stmt() method.  
        We do similar thing for TL_WRITE_DEFAULT as this lock type  
        is also supposed to be parser-only type.  
        As consequence read_lock_type_for_table() had to be  
        adjusted to behave properly when it is called from  
        check_lock_and_start_stmt() in prelocked mode.
[21 May 2010 14:52] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3021 Dmitry Lenev	2010-05-21
      Follow-up for the fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT without 
      FOR UPDATE is causing a lock".
      This patch tries to address problems which were exposed 
      during backporting of original patch to 5.1 tree.
      - It ensures that we don't change locking behavior of simple
        SELECT statements on InnoDB tables when they are executed
        under LOCK TABLES ... READ and with @@innodb_table_locks=0.
        Also we no longer pass TL_READ_DEFAULT/TL_WRITE_DEFAULT 
        lock types, which are supposed to be parser-only, to 
        handler::start_stmt() method.
      - It makes check_/no_concurrent_insert.inc auxiliary scripts 
        more robust against changes in test cases that use them
        and also ensures that they don't unnecessarily change 
        environment of caller.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Reset DEBUG_SYNC facility before and after using it in
        auxiliary script. This makes this script more robust against
        changes in test cases calling it. It also ensures that script
        does not unnecessarily change environment of caller.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Reset DEBUG_SYNC facility before and after using it in
        auxiliary script. This makes this script more robust against
        changes in test cases calling it. It also ensures that script
        does not unnecessarily change environment of caller.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb-lock.result
        Added coverage for LOCK TABLES ... READ behavior in
        @@innodb_table_locks = 0 mode. This test also checks
        that an appropriate type of lock is passed to
        handler::start_stmt() method.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb-lock.test
        Added coverage for LOCK TABLES ... READ behavior in
        @@innodb_table_locks = 0 mode. This test also checks
        that an appropriate type of lock is passed to
        handler::start_stmt() method.
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        Since we no longer set TL_READ as lock type for tables used  
        in simple SELECT right in the parser, in order to preserve  
        behavior for such statements on InnoDB tables when in  
        LOCK TABLES mode with @innodb_table_locks = 0,  
        check_lock_and_start_stmt() had to be changed to convert  
        TL_READ_DEFAULT to an appropriate type of read lock before  
        passing it to handler::start_stmt() method.  
        We do similar thing for TL_WRITE_DEFAULT as this lock type  
        is also supposed to be parser-only type.  
        As consequence read_lock_type_for_table() had to be  
        adjusted to behave properly when it is called from  
        check_lock_and_start_stmt() in prelocked mode.
[21 May 2010 20:20] Konstantin Osipov
This got to be in 5.1. Please add the tag.
[24 May 2010 11:26] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3394 Dmitry Lenev	2010-05-24
      A 5.1-only version of  fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT
      without FOR UPDATE is causing a lock".
      SELECT statements with subqueries referencing InnoDB tables
      were acquiring shared locks on rows in these tables when they
      were executed in REPEATABLE-READ mode and with statement or
      mixed mode binary logging turned on.
      This was a regression which were introduced when fixing
      bug 39843.
      The problem was that for tables belonging to subqueries
      parser set TL_READ_DEFAULT as a lock type. In cases when
      statement/mixed binary logging at open_tables() time this
      type of lock was converted to TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock at
      open_tables() time and caused InnoDB engine to acquire
      shared locks on reads from these tables. Although in some
      cases such behavior was correct (e.g. for subqueries in
      DELETE) in case of SELECT it has caused unnecessary locking.
      This patch implements minimal version of the fix for the
      specific problem described in the bug-report which supposed
      to be not too risky for pushing into 5.1 tree.
      The 5.5 tree already contains a more appropriate solution
      which also addresses other related issues like bug 53921
      "Wrong locks for SELECTs used stored functions may lead
      to broken SBR".
      This patch tries to solve the problem by ensuring that
      TL_READ_DEFAULT lock which is set in the parser for
      tables participating in subqueries at open_tables()
      time is interpreted as TL_READ_NO_INSERT or TL_READ.
      TL_READ is used only if we know that this is a SELECT
      and that this particular table is not used by a stored
      Test coverage is added for both InnoDB and MyISAM.
      This patch introduces an "incompatible" change in locking
      scheme for subqueries used in SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and
      In 4.1 the server would use a snapshot InnoDB read for
      subqueries in SELECT FOR UPDATE and SELECT .. IN SHARE MODE
      statements, regardless of whether the binary log is on or
      If the user required a different type of read (i.e. locking
      read), he/she could request so explicitly by providing FOR
      UPDATE/IN SHARE MODE clause for each individual subquery.
      The patch for bug 39843 broke this behaviour (which was not
      documented or tested), and started to use locking reads for
      all subqueries in SELECT ... FOR UPDATE/IN SHARE MODE.
      This patch restores 4.1 behaviour.
      This patch should be null-merged into 5.5 tree.
      Question for reviewer is marked by QQ.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table allows concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check that statement
        reading table doesn't allow concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table doesn't take locks on its rows.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table takes shared locks on some of its rows.
     @ mysql-test/r/bug39022.result
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql_lock2.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/r/lock_sync.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ mysql-test/t/bug39022.test
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql_lock2.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/t/lock_sync.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ sql/mysql_priv.h
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers to
        LEX and TABLE_LIST elements as its arguments since to
        correctly determine lock type it needs to know what
        statement is being performed and whether table element for
        which lock type to be determined belongs to prelocking list.
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        Changed read_lock_type_for_table() to return a weak TL_READ
        type of lock in cases when we are executing SELECT (and so
        won't update tables directly) and table doesn't belong to
        statement's prelocking list and thus can't be used by a
        stored function. It is OK to do so since in this case table
        won't be used by statement or function call which will be
        written to the binary log, so serializability requirements
        for it can be relaxed.
        One of results from this change is that SELECTs on InnoDB
        tables no longer takes shared row locks for tables which
        are used in subqueries (i.e. bug #46947 is fixed).
        Another result is that for similar SELECTs on MyISAM tables
        concurrent inserts are allowed.
        In order to implement this change signature of
        read_lock_type_for_table() function was changed to
        take pointers to LEX and TABLE_LIST objects.
     @ sql/sql_update.cc
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers to
        LEX and TABLE_LIST elements as its arguments since to
        correctly determine lock type it needs to know what
        statement is being performed and whether table element for
        which lock type to be determined belongs to prelocking list.
[27 May 2010 20:08] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3399 Dmitry Lenev	2010-05-28
      A 5.1-only version of  fix for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT
      without FOR UPDATE is causing a lock".
      SELECT statements with subqueries referencing InnoDB tables
      were acquiring shared locks on rows in these tables when they
      were executed in REPEATABLE-READ mode and with statement or
      mixed mode binary logging turned on.
      This was a regression which were introduced when fixing
      bug 39843.
      The problem was that for tables belonging to subqueries
      parser set TL_READ_DEFAULT as a lock type. In cases when
      statement/mixed binary logging at open_tables() time this
      type of lock was converted to TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock at
      open_tables() time and caused InnoDB engine to acquire
      shared locks on reads from these tables. Although in some
      cases such behavior was correct (e.g. for subqueries in
      DELETE) in case of SELECT it has caused unnecessary locking.
      This patch implements minimal version of the fix for the
      specific problem described in the bug-report which supposed
      to be not too risky for pushing into 5.1 tree.
      The 5.5 tree already contains a more appropriate solution
      which also addresses other related issues like bug 53921
      "Wrong locks for SELECTs used stored functions may lead
      to broken SBR".
      This patch tries to solve the problem by ensuring that
      TL_READ_DEFAULT lock which is set in the parser for
      tables participating in subqueries at open_tables()
      time is interpreted as TL_READ_NO_INSERT or TL_READ.
      TL_READ is used only if we know that this is a SELECT
      and that this particular table is not used by a stored
      Test coverage is added for both InnoDB and MyISAM.
      This patch introduces an "incompatible" change in locking
      scheme for subqueries used in SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and
      In 4.1 (as well as in 5.0 and 5.1 before fix for bug 39843)
      the server would use a snapshot InnoDB read for subqueries
      in SELECT FOR UPDATE and SELECT .. IN SHARE MODE statements,
      regardless of whether the binary log is on or off.
      If the user required a different type of read (i.e. locking
      read), he/she could request so explicitly by providing FOR
      UPDATE/IN SHARE MODE clause for each individual subquery.
      The patch for bug 39843 broke this behaviour (which was not
      documented or tested), and started to use locking reads for
      all subqueries in SELECT ... FOR UPDATE/IN SHARE MODE.
      This patch restores 4.1 behaviour.
      This patch should be mostly null-merged into 5.5 tree.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table allows concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check that statement
        reading table doesn't allow concurrent inserts in it.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table doesn't take locks on its rows.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
        Added auxiliary script which allows to check if statement
        reading table takes shared locks on some of its rows.
     @ mysql-test/r/bug39022.result
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql_lock2.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/r/lock_sync.result
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ mysql-test/t/bug39022.test
        After bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is
        causing a lock' was fixed test case for bug 39022 has to
        be adjusted in order to trigger execution path on which
        original problem was encountered.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql_lock2.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from InnoDB tables (includes test case for
        bug #46947 'Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a
     @ mysql-test/t/lock_sync.test
        Added coverage for handling of locking in various cases when
        we read data from MyISAM tables.
     @ sql/mysql_priv.h
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers to
        LEX and TABLE_LIST elements as its arguments since to
        correctly determine lock type it needs to know what
        statement is being performed and whether table element for
        which lock type to be determined belongs to prelocking list.
     @ sql/sql_base.cc
        Changed read_lock_type_for_table() to return a weak TL_READ
        type of lock in cases when we are executing SELECT (and so
        won't update tables directly) and table doesn't belong to
        statement's prelocking list and thus can't be used by a
        stored function. It is OK to do so since in this case table
        won't be used by statement or function call which will be
        written to the binary log, so serializability requirements
        for it can be relaxed.
        One of results from this change is that SELECTs on InnoDB
        tables no longer takes shared row locks for tables which
        are used in subqueries (i.e. bug #46947 is fixed).
        Another result is that for similar SELECTs on MyISAM tables
        concurrent inserts are allowed.
        In order to implement this change signature of
        read_lock_type_for_table() function was changed to
        take pointers to LEX and TABLE_LIST objects.
     @ sql/sql_update.cc
        Function read_lock_type_for_table() now takes pointers to
        LEX and TABLE_LIST elements as its arguments since to
        correctly determine lock type it needs to know what
        statement is being performed and whether table element for
        which lock type to be determined belongs to prelocking list.
[27 May 2010 20:19] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3033 Dmitry Lenev	2010-05-28 [merge]
      Null-merged the 5.1-only version of fix for bug #46947
      "Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing a lock"
      into 5.5 tree. One of 5.5 trees already contains a
      more thorough version of the fix.
[30 May 2010 9:28] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3032 Dmitry Lenev	2010-05-30
      Yet another follow-up for the 5.5 version of fix for 
      bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT without FOR UPDATE is causing 
      a lock".
      Fixed comments in tests. Improved comments and performance of
      auxiliary scripts.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_concurrent_insert.inc
        Changed script to use temporary table for backing up data in
        order to make this operation less expensive. Made script more
        a bit generic by allowing to use multi-column tables with it.
        Improved comments.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_concurrent_insert.inc
        Changed script to use temporary table for backing up data in
        order to make this operation less expensive. Made script more
        a bit generic by allowing to use multi-column tables with it.
        Improved comments.
     @ mysql-test/include/check_no_row_lock.inc
        Improved comments in auxiliary script.
     @ mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql_lock2.result
        Fixed errors in comments for test.
     @ mysql-test/r/lock_sync.result
        Fixed typo in comments for test.
     @ mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql_lock2.test
        Fixed errors in comments for test.
     @ mysql-test/t/lock_sync.test
        Fixed typo in comments for test.
[1 Jun 2010 23:20] Gleb Shchepa
Also see bug #53627 (duplicate).
[2 Jun 2010 8:49] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.48 (revid:georgi.kodinov@oracle.com-20100602084411-2yu607bslbmgufl3) (version source revid:dlenev@mysql.com-20100527200740-d2k1u3m524rsc2gw) (merge vers: 5.1.47) (pib:16)
[9 Jun 2010 1:00] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.1.48 changelog.

When the transaction isolation level was REPEATABLE READ and binary
logging used statement or mixed format, SELECT statements with
subqueries referencing InnoDB tables unnecessarily acquired shared
locks on rows in these tables.
[15 Jun 2010 8:11] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.5.5-m3 (revid:alik@sun.com-20100615080459-smuswd9ooeywcxuc) (version source revid:mmakela@bk-internal.mysql.com-20100415070122-1nxji8ym4mao13ao) (merge vers: 5.1.47) (pib:16)
[15 Jun 2010 8:26] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-next-mr (revid:alik@sun.com-20100615080558-cw01bzdqr1bdmmec) (version source revid:mmakela@bk-internal.mysql.com-20100415070122-1nxji8ym4mao13ao) (pib:16)
[17 Jun 2010 1:21] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.5.5 changelog.
[17 Jun 2010 6:14] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.5.5-m3 (revid:alexey.kopytov@sun.com-20100615145247-8bj0vmuqlotbqsn9) (version source revid:dlenev@mysql.com-20100527201843-l8zgll8cf4zrc4wj) (merge vers: 5.5.5-m3) (pib:16)
[17 Jun 2010 6:18] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-next-mr (revid:alik@sun.com-20100615150216-cubqoyn1fj9b6a2p) (version source revid:vasil.dimov@oracle.com-20100513074652-0cvlhgkesgbb2bfh) (pib:16)
[22 Jun 2010 13:07] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.5.5-m3 (revid:alik@sun.com-20100622130139-u05awgya93zvbsop) (version source revid:marko.makela@oracle.com-20100603095032-v5ptkkzt1bhz0m1d) (merge vers: 5.1.48) (pib:16)
[22 Jun 2010 13:09] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-next-mr (revid:alik@sun.com-20100622130623-r7yhm89fz9n5t9nb) (version source revid:alik@sun.com-20100622130528-187gd949sa9b6pa6) (pib:16)
[14 Oct 2010 8:32] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 5.1.51-ndb-7.0.20 (revid:martin.skold@mysql.com-20101014082627-jrmy9xbfbtrebw3c) (version source revid:vasil.dimov@oracle.com-20100513074652-0cvlhgkesgbb2bfh) (merge vers: 5.5.5-m3) (pib:21)
[14 Oct 2010 8:48] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-5.1-telco-6.3 5.1.51-ndb-6.3.39 (revid:martin.skold@mysql.com-20101014083757-5qo48b86d69zjvzj) (version source revid:vasil.dimov@oracle.com-20100513074652-0cvlhgkesgbb2bfh) (merge vers: 5.5.5-m3) (pib:21)
[14 Oct 2010 9:02] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-5.1-telco-6.2 5.1.51-ndb-6.2.19 (revid:martin.skold@mysql.com-20101014084420-y54ecj85j5we27oa) (version source revid:vasil.dimov@oracle.com-20100513074652-0cvlhgkesgbb2bfh) (merge vers: 5.5.5-m3) (pib:21)
[14 Oct 2010 13:34] Jon Stephens
Already documented in the 5.1.48 changelog; no additional changelog entries required. Set back to Closed state.
[17 Dec 2010 13:50] Valeriy Kravchuk
Bug #58988 was marked as a duplicate of this one.