Bug #46146 Configuration wizard fails if the service already exists
Submitted: 13 Jul 2009 13:12 Modified: 31 Mar 2014 8:07
Reporter: Petr Kadlec Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Config Wizard Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Windows (7 RC (build 7100))
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Jul 2009 13:12] Petr Kadlec
I made a mistake and chose DVD drive for the InnoDB data directory. When I clicked Execute at the end of the wizard, MySQL created the configuration file, registered the service and tried to start it. But MySQL server failed to start (because of the wrong configuration), and the wizard reported the failure. I went back and fixed the configuration. When I returned to the final step and clicked Execute, the wizard failed to create the server instance, stating that it already exists (which is true, the wizard created it in the previous attempt) and refused to continue. I had to delete the service manually and restart the wizard.

How to repeat:
Start the Config Wizard in the detailed mode, enter an invalid drive letter (e.g. the DVD drive letter) for the InnoDB data directory. Continue to the final step and click execute. Then, return to the InnoDB data directory selection, fix it, and continue to the final step once again. Click Execute.

Suggested fix:
The Config Wizard should roll back all changes (including creation of the service) in case of a failure.

Or, it might ignore (or warn about) the fact that the service already exists.
[29 Jul 2009 11:05] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Verified as described. Although you can ignore just ignore this "failed to create service" message and start service manually using "Services" control panel.
[31 Mar 2014 8:06] Yngve Svendsen
Posted by developer:
Thank you for the bug report. We are closing this report now for two related reasons:

* MySQL Server 5.1 is an obsolete version of MySQL Server
* For newer MySQL Server versions, the config wizard is no longer available, and the MySQL Installer for Windows is the recommended way to install MySQL Server on Windows