Bug #44727 DDL listed as DML
Submitted: 7 May 2009 19:11 Modified: 9 May 2009 6:14
Reporter: Peter Laursen (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:any OS:Any
Assigned to: Jon Stephens CPU Architecture:Any

[7 May 2009 19:11] Peter Laursen

"Warnings are generated for statements such as LOAD DATA INFILE and DML statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE TABLE, and ALTER TABLE."

.. now isn't CREATE TABLE, and ALTER TABLE *DDL* statements (not *DML* statements)? And is not LOAD DATA also a DML statement as it will manipulate data in the table INSERTed to?

How to repeat:
se above.

Suggested fix:
Update docs to be correct and more detailed and exact. It is not unimportant to know *exactly* where it makes sense to SHOW WARNINGS!
[7 May 2009 19:11] Peter Laursen
correcting typo in synopsis!
[7 May 2009 20:15] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Verified as described.
[8 May 2009 12:57] Peter Laursen
let me clarify: I think the page would be better off if the passage I quoted is removed.  This passage is 'loose talk'.

But that leaves us with the statement that *queries using a table* will re-populate the warnings buffer.

This is not fully correct in my understanding.  It should rather be *using (or affecting) the data stored in a table*.  In my understanding various SHOW statements do *use a table* but do not *use (or affect) the data stored in the table* (examples: SHOW FULL FIELDS .. , SHOW TABLE STATUS ..)

And as regards vaious SELECTS from I_S, I am not sure actually. You will be able to write such SELECTs returning same information as SHOW. Will the "SELECT .. FROM .. I_S .." re-populate the warnings buffer and the "SHOW .. " will not?  That is some kind of inconsistency then! 

None of those are big issues, but it is not fully clear from documentation.
[9 May 2009 6:14] Jon Stephens
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been addressed in the documentation. The updated documentation will appear on our website shortly, and will be included in the next release of the relevant products.