Bug #41375 Copying a standard rule breaks all of the wiki markup formatting
Submitted: 10 Dec 2008 21:08 Modified: 29 Jan 2009 11:22
Reporter: Mark Leith Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Josh Sled CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Dec 2008 21:08] Mark Leith
If you make a copy of a standard rule, the wiki markup gets broken, for instance for the Indexes Not Being Used Efficiently rule, the advice text becomes:

"If Query Analyzer is enabled, browse to the <a href="BrowseQueries.action" target="_blank">Query Analyzer tab</a> and set the filters to look for long-running queries issued shortly before the time of this alert, queries where avg or max execution time has increased a lot from one interval to another, or queries where max execution time is much greater than avg execution time.<br/> <br/>Another option is to turn on the Slow Query Log and monitor what goes into it. ...."

The <a href ..> tags etc. are then actually shown in the rule popup, instead of being transformed to proper links etc. as well

How to repeat:
o Make a copy of the Indexes Not Being Used Efficiently, save it
o Click the new copied rule in the Manage Rules page to view the popup
o The formatting will not be right

Suggested fix:
Insert in to the database the raw text pulled from the i18n resource bundle, making sure that all backslashes are fully escaped properly.
[10 Dec 2008 21:36] Mark Leith
Works correctly, showing wiki markup, in 1.3.x
[11 Dec 2008 16:30] Josh Sled
Seems highly likely this will get 2.0-targeted.  If not, I'll pay the cost of reverting.

revno: 6540
revision-id: jsled@asynchronous.org-20081211161437-3rxjjt8qgxdhmxo7
parent: andy@mysql.com-20081210222559-jzyztu4a1ioar96p
committer: Josh Sled <jsled@asynchronous.org>
branch nick: 2.0
timestamp: Thu 2008-12-11 11:14:37 -0500
  Bug#41375: copy the un-wiki-fied description/advice/info/command into the being-copied-Rule.
[15 Jan 2009 20:28] Marcos Palacios
Verified fixed in build
[29 Jan 2009 11:22] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 2.0.3 changelog:

If a copy was made of a standard rule, the resulting Wiki markup was incorrect, resulting in the display of user-interface text containing HTML markup.