Bug #41150 'Number of SQL Queries' displays the wrong variable
Submitted: 1 Dec 2008 13:47 Modified: 11 Feb 2009 14:10
Reporter: cappie 2000 Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.12.14 OS:Windows (Vista 32-bit)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[1 Dec 2008 13:47] cappie 2000
In the 'Health' view, under the tab 'Connection Health' there's a group called 'Number of SQL Queries' with a graph displaying the number of SQL Queries per update (in this case, 1 second).

The problem with this graph is that it's using "^[com_select]" to count the number of queries run on the server. The correct variable should be "^[Questions]", as displayed under the 'Status Variables'-'General'-view

I assume that "^[Questions]" is the correct variable, since an SQL Query is ANY type of query (insert, delete, update, etc.) thats being executed by the database.

How to repeat:
Not really a bug, just replace the variable with "^[Questions]" and have a look yourself.

Suggested fix:
Change the default variable for that graph to "^[Questions]" in the files that come with the installer and the .zip (for Windows).

Also, check if other versions of this software (for other OS'ses) have the same problem.. (I presume (read: I hope for you guys) that changing a master configuration file somewhere changes it for all builds)
[1 Dec 2008 14:29] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[11 Feb 2009 14:10] Mike Lischke
Fixed in repository administrator, revision 405