Bug #40410 Full installer does not uninstall or wipe out previous installation
Submitted: 29 Oct 2008 22:50 Modified: 11 Nov 2008 14:50
Reporter: Andy Bang Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:2.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: BitRock Merlin CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Oct 2008 22:50] Andy Bang
The Service Manager installer does not uninstall or wipe out the previous installation when you answer "Yes" to "The directory you selected already contains a MySQL installation.  If you continue installation all data will be lost.  Do you wish to continue?"

How to repeat:
1) Install an older build of the Service Manager (I used 7013 because this is the build someone started with who first reported the problem).
2) Install an agent, start it, and let it run for a few minutes.
3) Stop all services and wait a few minutes.
4) Start the 7078 Service Manager installer.
5) Just click "Next" to accept defaults.
6) On the Installation Directory screen it will say: "The directory you selected already contains a MySQL installation.  If you continue installation all data will be lost.  Do you wish to continue?"
7) Click "Yes".
8) Finish installation and tell it to start the Service Manager.
9) You'll get a 404 error.  If you look in the Tomcat logs you'll see various error messages including "Table merlin.schema_version does not exist".
10) Use a MySQL client to look in the MySQL server instance.  You'll see both a "merlin" database and a "mem" database.  The "merlin" database is from the 7013 installation and the "mem" database is from the 7078 installation.  The "merlin" database should not be there if truly "all data will be lost".
11) Also note that on Windows you'll see two instances of "MySQL Enterprise Monitor" in "Add/Remove Programs".

Suggested fix:
Wipe out all previous files before installing the new files and don't create a second instance of the same thing in "Add/Remove Programs".

As an alternative, if the suggestion above is not feasible, we should not allow installation to continue and should advise the user to uninstall the old one before installing this one in the same place.
[29 Oct 2008 23:03] Andy Bang
BitRock Installer Log 1

Attachment: bitrock_installer_14716.log (text/plain), 89.73 KiB.

[29 Oct 2008 23:03] Andy Bang
BitRock Installer Log 2

Attachment: bitrock_installer_15604.log (text/plain), 131.65 KiB.

[29 Oct 2008 23:07] Andy Bang
If this only affected early 2.0 betas of the Monitor I would say the impact is minimal and it's only a P3 (or even a P4).  But this could also impact people who have previously installed 1.3 and think they're re-installing instead of doing an upgrade.
[30 Oct 2008 16:33] Andy Bang
Per our conversation, let's do this.  Instead of saying:

"The directory you selected already contains a MySQL installation.  If you continue installation all data will be lost.  Do you wish to continue?"  "Yes" or "No"


"The directory you selected already contains a MySQL Monitor installation.  Please select another directory or uninstall the previous version before continuing."   "OK"  (pressing OK takes you back to the screen where you select a directory)
[3 Nov 2008 15:38] BitRock Merlin
Patch sent to Keith.
[4 Nov 2008 22:52] Keith Russell
Patch applied in versions =>
[7 Nov 2008 19:28] Marcos Palacios
Verified fixed in build 
Tested on both Windows XP and Mac OS X.
[11 Nov 2008 14:50] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 2.0 changelog:

The Service Manager installer did not uninstall or wipe out the previous installation if you answered “Yes” to the question: 

“The directory you selected already contains a MySQL installation. If you continue installation all data will be lost. Do you wish to continue?”