Bug #40272 Proxy config included in INI file even if saying no to "Enable Proxy"
Submitted: 23 Oct 2008 2:27 Modified: 11 Nov 2008 15:54
Reporter: Andy Bang Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: BitRock Merlin CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Oct 2008 2:27] Andy Bang
If you uncheck the "Enable Proxy" checkbox on the "Query Analysis Configuration" screen, the agent's INI file still includes proxy configuration data and it is not commented out.

How to repeat:
1) Start the agent installer.
2) Uncheck the "Enable Proxy" checkbox on the "Query Analysis Configuration" screen.
3) Finish installation.
4) Review the etc/mysql-monitor-agent.ini file.  You'll see the following:

# WARNING - The UUID defined below must be unique for each agent.
# To use this INI file as a template for configuring additional
# agents, do not simply copy and start a new agent without first
# modifying the UUID and adjusting other parameters as necessary.
# WARNING - If you are upgrading from a previous 1.x release, please
# note that we have changed the contents of the agent INI file and
# split the contents across two files:
#   <installdir>/etc/mysql-monitor-agent.ini              - this file
#   <installdir>/etc/instances/mysql/agent-instance.ini   - new file
# Refer to the documentation for more detailed information and
# instructions.
# Version:


agent-mgmt-hostname = http://agent:mysql@localhost:18080/heartbeat
mysqld-instance-dir= etc/instances
agent-item-files = share/mysql-proxy/items/quan.lua,share/mysql-proxy/items/items-mysql-monitor.xml
proxy-backend-addresses =
proxy-lua-script        = share/mysql-proxy/quan.lua

agent-uuid = 2d8a59c2-71b2-4564-afa5-78eb44ab1e01
log-file = mysql-monitor-agent.log
pid-file=C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\Enterprise\\Agent\\mysql-monitor-agent.pid


Note that proxy-address, proxy-backend-addresses, and proxy-lua-script parameters are included and not commented out.

Suggested fix:
It's actually nice that the information is there in case a customer wants to turn it on after installation, but it should be commented out.  Here are the changes we'd like to see if the "Enable Proxy" checkbox is unchecked:

1) Show, but comment out, the proxy-address, proxy-backend-addresses, and proxy-lua-script parameter.

2) Show, but comment out, the following line:


3) Add the following comment in the header:

# NOTE - This Enterprise Service Agent is not configured to enable
# Query Analysis for the MySQL servers it is monitoring.  To enable
# Query Analysis:
#   1) Place a comment character (#) in front of plugins=agent
#   2) Remove the comment from the plugins=proxy,agent line
#   3) Remove the comment from all the proxy-xxx lines

Thus the contents of mysql-monitor-agent.ini in this case should be:

# WARNING - The UUID defined below must be unique for each agent.
# To use this INI file as a template for configuring additional
# agents, do not simply copy and start a new agent without first
# modifying the UUID and adjusting other parameters as necessary.
# WARNING - If you are upgrading from a previous 1.x release, please
# note that we have changed the contents of the agent INI file and
# split the contents across two files:
#   <installdir>/etc/mysql-monitor-agent.ini              - this file
#   <installdir>/etc/instances/mysql/agent-instance.ini   - new file
# Refer to the documentation for more detailed information and
# instructions.
# NOTE - This Enterprise Service Agent is not configured to enable
# Query Analysis for the MySQL servers it is monitoring.  To enable
# Query Analysis:
#   1) Place a comment character (#) in front of plugins=agent
#   2) Remove the comment from the plugins=proxy,agent line
#   3) Remove the comment from all the proxy-xxx lines
# Version:


agent-mgmt-hostname = http://agent:mysql@localhost:18080/heartbeat
mysqld-instance-dir= etc/instances
agent-item-files = share/mysql-proxy/items/quan.lua,share/mysql-proxy/items/items-mysql-monitor.xml
#proxy-backend-addresses =
#proxy-lua-script        = share/mysql-proxy/quan.lua

agent-uuid = 2d8a59c2-71b2-4564-afa5-78eb44ab1e01
log-file = mysql-monitor-agent.log
pid-file=C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\Enterprise\\Agent\\mysql-monitor-agent.pid

[23 Oct 2008 2:30] Andy Bang
On further reflection it would be OK to do the following instead, which might be a bit easier:

# WARNING - The UUID defined below must be unique for each agent.
# To use this INI file as a template for configuring additional
# agents, do not simply copy and start a new agent without first
# modifying the UUID and adjusting other parameters as necessary.
# WARNING - If you are upgrading from a previous 1.x release, please
# note that we have changed the contents of the agent INI file and
# split the contents across two files:
#   <installdir>/etc/mysql-monitor-agent.ini              - this file
#   <installdir>/etc/instances/mysql/agent-instance.ini   - new file
# Refer to the documentation for more detailed information and
# instructions.
# NOTE - This Enterprise Service Agent is not configured to enable
# Query Analysis for the MySQL servers it is monitoring.  To enable
# Query Analysis:
#   1) Change plugins=agent to plugins=proxy,agent
#   2) Remove the comment from all the proxy-xxx lines
# Version:


agent-mgmt-hostname = http://agent:mysql@localhost:18080/heartbeat
mysqld-instance-dir= etc/instances
agent-item-files = share/mysql-proxy/items/quan.lua,share/mysql-proxy/items/items-mysql-monitor.xml
#proxy-backend-addresses =
#proxy-lua-script        = share/mysql-proxy/quan.lua

agent-uuid = 2d8a59c2-71b2-4564-afa5-78eb44ab1e01
log-file = mysql-monitor-agent.log
pid-file=C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\Enterprise\\Agent\\mysql-monitor-agent.pid

[27 Oct 2008 10:48] BitRock Merlin
Patch sent to Keith.
[29 Oct 2008 19:15] Keith Russell
Patch applied in versions =>
[30 Oct 2008 3:37] Marcos Palacios
Verified fixed in build
[11 Nov 2008 15:54] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 2.0 changelog:

If you unchecked the Enable Proxy checkbox on the Query Analysis Configuration screen, the agent's INI file still contained proxy configuration data and was not commented out.