Bug #40126 ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'mysql.online_backup' doesn't exist
Submitted: 18 Oct 2008 14:11 Modified: 31 Oct 2008 17:01
Reporter: Tomas Dalebjörk Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Packaging Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.0.6-alpha-community OS:Windows (backup )
Assigned to: Kent Boortz CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: backup / restore

[18 Oct 2008 14:11] Tomas Dalebjörk

I am trying to use the new feature to backup databases online.
But it seams not to work properly.

mysql> backup database test to 'C:\test.bak';
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'mysql.online_backup' doesn't exist
mysql> select @@version;
| @@version             |
| 6.0.6-alpha-community |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


How to repeat:
Rerun the backup command again

Suggested fix:
Add the necessary tables to do online backup during installation
[18 Oct 2008 17:12] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Work-around is to download the non-install package which contents the related tables.
[18 Oct 2008 17:30] Tomas Dalebjörk
I dont know where this package are you suggested me to download.
Is this the file?
[18 Oct 2008 18:29] MySQL Verification Team
Yes, that package you have mentioned.
[18 Oct 2008 19:01] Tomas Dalebjörk
I do not understand how to startup this "noinstall" server.
All documentations seams to focus on Linux
[18 Oct 2008 20:33] MySQL Verification Team
Copy the tables from the data\mysql database (noinstall package) to your data\mysql database already installed:

C:\down\mysql\mysql-6.0.6-alpha-win32\data\mysql>dir on*
 O volume na unidade C não tem nome.
 O número de série do volume é 1C90-8A0D

 Pasta de C:\down\mysql\mysql-6.0.6-alpha-win32\data\mysql

12/08/2008  18:02            10.055 online_backup.frm
12/08/2008  18:02                 0 online_backup.MYD
12/08/2008  18:02             1.024 online_backup.MYI
12/08/2008  18:02             9.097 online_backup_progress.frm
12/08/2008  18:02                 0 online_backup_progress.MYD
12/08/2008  18:02             1.024 online_backup_progress.MYI
               6 arquivo(s)         21.200 bytes
               0 pasta(s) 38.773.465.088 bytes disponíveis

[31 Oct 2008 0:07] Kent Boortz
The missing tables for online backup were added to the Windows installer.
[31 Oct 2008 17:01] Paul DuBois
Noted in 6.0.8 changelog.

Windows builds were missing the MySQL Backup log tables.